Yellow Jacket Pest Control
Family owned business since 1987
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ApolloX Pest Control provides professional yellow jacket nest extermination for your home quickly, efficiently, and safely.
Yellow Jackets Pest Control: Yellow Jacket Nest Extermination Demonstration
Identifying Yellow Jackets
For yellow jacket pest control, it is first required to identify these flying insects. Yellowjackets are house fly-sized wasps with distinct yellow and black head/face, patterned abdomen markings and a few hairs. Whenever you spot such bees, make sure that it’s not an isolated bee and call a professional for further action.
Yellow Jackets Pest Control Near Me: Where Yellow Jackets Live and Breed
Yellowjackets construct a type of paper nest, tan in color, much smaller in size compared to the hornet nest, and is usually found in an underground cavity. Common locations for nests are in lawns, particularly in sandy exposed areas, as well as at the base of trees or shrubs. Occasionally, yellowjackets will nest in attics or walls voids of houses or storage buildings.They can be found any place humans can be found. Check near recycling bins or other areas where sugar is common. They become more aggressive in autumn they begin to die out. Although they are a very beneficial insect, when in numbers and near a public place or residential lot, they pose a serious threat to people living by. Therefore it is advised to hire the services of a professional yellow jacket exterminator to rid of an infestation.
An individual hornet or yellow jacket queen begins building a nest alone in the spring. Once a queen has produced enough workers to take over nest-building and foraging duties, she remains inside producing more offspring. The workers expand the nest, forage for food, feed the young and defend the nest. Like other predatory wasps, their diet consists mainly of other insects such as flies and bees. They continue to enlarge the nest until fall when there may be 600-800 yellowjacket workers. You don’t want their number to grow that large, and when left unattended they may increase their number to tens of thousands. Call a yellow jacket exterminator at the first signs of an infestation!
Yellowjackets, in particular, may be late season pests around picnics, trash cans, and humming bird feeders as they scavenge. The only way for yellow jacket pest control is to control this situation is to locate and destroy the nest, which is rarely possible unless accomplished by a professional.
Yellow Jackets Pest Control Near Me: Harm, Damage Caused by Yellowjackets
Yellowjacket venom wages a staged attack against the nervous system on a cellular level.
- The stinger delivers the venom to the victim’s blood stream.
- Peptides and enzymes in the venom break down cell membranes, spilling cellular contents into the blood stream. When the cells in question are neurons, which serve the central nervous system, this breach causes the injured cell to send signals back to the brain. We experience these signals in the form of pain.
- To make sure the pain keeps coming, other substances in the venom, such as norepinephrine, stop the flow of blood. This is why the pain of a wasp sting can last for several minutes, until the blood stream can carry the diluted venom away.
- Finally, hyaluronidase and MCDP (mast cell degranulating peptide) pave the way for the membrane-destroying elements in the venom to move onto other cells by melting through the connective tissue between them. This spreading factor leads to the swelling and redness associated with most insect stings.
The Yellow Jacket is no doubt a very beneficial part of an ecosystem, but when near population they can cause serious harm. It is recommended to immediately consult a professional yellow jacket pest control company at the first signs of an infestation.
Call Now: (888) 499-7378 or visit us at ApolloX Pest Control
How to Stop the Spread of Yellow Jacket Nests On Your Property
One of the most important preventative pest control actions you can take in the fall is to eliminate all yellow jacket nests on your property.
Yellow Jacket Nest Extermination On Your Property
One of the most important preventative pest control actions you can take is that of yellow jacket nest extermination of all yellow jacket nests on your property in the Fall season specifically.
Why Perform Yellow Jacket Nest Extermination In the Fall?
Each yellow jacket nest can spawn 20 or more nests on your property next spring, each with 5000 or more ill-tempered yellow jackets! Imagine 100,000 yellow jackets in and around your home, garage, garden… This is why it’s crucial that a yellow jacket nest extermination is carried out in the fall season.
How Does One Yellow Jacket Nest Turn Into 20 or More?
By fall, the yellow jacket nest has reached peak size. The nest is filled with reproductive cells containing new males and queens. The new queens build up fat reserves to overwinter. Adult reproductives leave the parent colony to mate. After mating, males quickly die, while fertilized queens seek protected places to overwinter in covered natural locations such as tree stumps, hollow logs and under wood piles or yard debris, although they may also choose manmade structures for shelter.
In spring, the queens emerge from their winter shelters and each begin to build a nest from plant fibers that they chew, making a type of paper. Where there was just one nest last fall, now there are many, each with their own queen! Each queen begins laying eggs in her new nest.
Many Yellow Jacket Nests On Your Property, Growing In Size
If left unchecked, Throughout the summer, the nests continue to grow. As adults, the first offspring are sterile female workers that expand the nest, search for food and care for the queen and her young. After her first generation matures, the yellow jacket queen remains inside the nest laying eggs for the rest of the summer. The new nests grow to a size of 5000 yellow jackets or more by fall and the cycle repeats. Nobody wants this scenario, so it is important to call us for an expert yellow jacket exterminator visit at first signs of a nest. Our professional exterminator will evaluate the situation and guide you about the extermination process.
Fall Is the Best Time to Stop the Spread of Yellow Jacket Nests On Your Property
Want to avoid 20 or more yellow jacket nests on your property next spring? The solution is to have ApolloX Pest Control find and perform yellow jacket pest control on any seed nests this fall.
Call Now: (888) 499-7378 or visit us at ApolloX Pest Control
See Also:
Baldfaced Hornets
Cicada Killer Wasps
Paper Wasps
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