If you discover the presence of termites in your home, you know that it’s time to take action and that you need professional help. However, most people in your situation have little or no experience in how to locate and hire a quality termite control company. A Google search shows a confusing array of results, each claiming to be a reputable termite control company.
Termite Control Company – What’s at Stake with Your Selection?
A wrong choice could mean failure to eliminate the termite problem from your home. You end up with the false assurance that the job was done right, only to discover in a few years that the termites were not eliminated and the damage has progressed. A wrong choice could mean paying for services you don’t need. A reputable termite control company may find that you do not have a termite problem, and will be honest with you. A wrong choice could mean unfair pricing. A wrong choice could mean incompetent people entering and possibly damaging your home. It could mean exposure to unsafe, toxic chemicals, and the list goes on.
Termite Control Company – 9 Tips for Hiring a Quality Solution
So, when looking for a quality termite control company, follow these 9 tips, given by the National Pest Management Association:
Termite Control Company – Look for Reputation
- Look for qualified and licensed pest control professionals and companies that are members of national, state, or local pest management associations.
- Ask friends and neighbors to recommend professional pest control companies they have used successfully and how satisfied they were with the service.
Termite Control Company – Check Licensing
- Ask to see proper licensing and credentials from the pest management professional that comes to solve your pest problem.
Termite Control Company – Compare Options
- If a sizable amount of money is involved, get bids from several pest management professionals.
- Don’t rush a decision. Since you are paying for professional pest control advice, as well as skillful treatment, look for someone whose judgment you can trust.
Termite Control Company – Read the Contract
- Before signing a contract, be sure to fully understand the pest species, the extent of the infestation and the work necessary to solve the problem.
- Find out if the pest control company has liability insurance to cover any damages to your house or furnishings during treatment.
- If a guarantee is given, know what it covers, how long it lasts, what you must do to keep it in force, and what kind of continuing professional pest control, prevention and management are necessary.
Termite Control Company – Look for Value
- Buy value, not price. Do not make a purchasing decision based solely on the lowest cost.
Credits: An NPMA Interview for Termite Awareness Week – Entomology Today
Termite Control Company – Who to Call
Call ApolloX Pest Control
(888) 499-7378
We’re a fully licensed termite control company.
Here are our credentials:
License Numbers: B-0353 and S-3313
Industry Memberships
- NPMA – National Pest Management Association
- CPCA – CT Pest Control Association (Brian is past V.P.)
- EIC – Environmental Industry Council of CT
- CT BBB – CT Better Business Bureau
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