Natural Rat Repellents

Rat PreventionRats and mice in the home are a real annoyance for homeowners, and even a danger. These uninvited creatures consume everything, from your organic tomatoes sitting on the kitchen table, to breadcrumbs underneath the refrigerator, spreading bacteria and pathogens in the process. Credits: Is Natural Pest Control Possible?: Environmentally-Friendly Rodent

Conventional pesticides possess inherent toxicities that endanger the health of the farm operators, consumers, and the environment. For this reason, there is a growing interest in botanical pesticides due to their minimal costs and fewer ecological side effects.

Plants with strong smells act as repellents. They prevent rodents from feeding or gnawing.

Natural Rat Repellents: Eucalyptus Oil

A study presented in volume 2014 of The Scientific World Journal shows eucalyptus oil has some effect in repelling rats. Rodent repellents are chemicals which by taste or odor or possibly by both will prevent animal from feeding or gnawing. Such substances may be used in protecting an area from rodent infestation or in protecting packaged food, packing materials, electric cables, and other important vulnerable materials. 

Natural Rat RepellentsPercent repellency in both male and female rats was apparently more with daily application of 5 and 10% eucalyptus oil. Present studies reveal the potential of eucalyptus oil in repelling away R. rattus; however, further studies may be conducted to enhance the persistence of repellent effect for longer period of time. 

Percent repellency was more when the oil was applied daily and alternatively as compared to when applied once a week indicating low persistence of the repellent effect due to volatile nature of the oil. F Credits: Potential of Eucalyptus Oil as Repellent against House Rat, Rattus

Natural Rat Repellents: Peppermint Oil

Put a few drops of peppermint (or spearmint) essential oil onto cotton balls, and leave in cupboards. Use cotton towels, soaked in a solution of mint oil and water. Use ten to fifteen drops of the oil for four cups of water. Ring excess water from the cloth, and then place anywhere that rodents may be entering the home, or spending time. As mice and rats generally come out at night while people are asleep, run an essential oil diffuser for twenty minutes before going to bed. This will spread the aroma molecules throughout the house. 

If possible, plant mint outside the home. Mint grows quickly, and profusely. This will help prevent rodents from being attracted to your house in the first place. Also, you will have an almost endless supply of fresh mint to use indoors as a deterrent. Fresh leaves can be left in problem areas as well. Credits: Is Natural Pest Control Possible?: Environmentally-Friendly Rodent

Natural Rat RepellentsNatural Rat Repellents: Naphthalene Balls

Rats don’t like the smell of naphthalene balls, better known as moth balls. It’s not enough to put these in your cupboards, woollen-storage closets…these need to be replenished and replaced as naphthalene balls shrink with time. Their potency diminishes when they shrink. So be alert and put fresh naphthalene balls out. 

Natural Rat Repellents: Ammonia

Mix one part ammonia with one part water. Soak old socks or a cloth in the ammonia and squeeze out the excess liquid. Place the cloth where the rats are likely to enter the home. Check the cloth at least once a week and replace if necessary. Credits: Drat..Rats! Natural ways to repel rodents | Sass, Sense and

Natural Rat Repellents: Spices

Chilli peppers, cayenne pepper, even Tabasco sauce can be successful as a rat repellent. Sprinkling garlic powder and diced garlic cloves can also do the trick according to The pungency of garlic can make rats feel nauseated and drive them away. Incidentally, garlic oil is also a cockroach-repellent. Credits: Drat..Rats! Natural ways to repel rodents | Sass, Sense and

Natural Rat Repellents: Home made rat poison, harmless to humans.

Natural Rat Repellents2 oz Barium Carbonate
1/2 oz Granulated Sugar
1/2 lb Bread Crumbs

Place all ingredients into a bowl and mix well, then add a small amount of water to dampen and allow the mixture to be made into small balls that can be placed out for the rodents. Credits: Natural Mice, Rat, and Rodent Repellents – pinkcloudsandangels

Natural Rat Repellents: Sweet Potatoes, Dry Beans, Peanuts

Raw sweet potato forms a cyanide reaction in a rat’s stomach; hence, mixing them with any of your food is a good natural rat repellent. Raw dry beans and peanuts contain nutrients which can kill rats. It blocks the digestive system by aborting the necessary vitamin A and enzymes needed for the rats to digest the protein and starches. This leads causes the red blood cells to cluster and eventually kill the rats.

Natural Rat Repellents: A Clean Home, No Food Source!

Keeping your home clean by eliminating access to all food sources is the best natural rat repellent. Clean floors and counter tops with a solution of water and mint essential oil. Inspect your home and seal off potential rat access points with cement. With a clean minty well-sealed home, rats will have no interest in working to find a way in. 

Natural Rat Repellents: Conclusion

You may find that one or a combination of the natural rat repellents described in this article does the trick for you. If so, great! Let us know about your results.

However, you might just want to avoid the mess and the hassle of preparing, deploying and testing these concoctions one by one, then refreshing the repellents when their potency runs out (they don’t last very long). In that case…

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