Family owned business since 1987
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Protect your family from being stung by bedbugs.
A certified Bed Bug Exterminator in Weston from ApolloX with over 30 years experience in bedbugs extermination will remove the bedbugs from your home quickly, efficiently, and safely.
How to Get Rid of Bedbugs?
Bed Bug Identification
Bed bugs are oval, chestnut-brown insects and are flattened from top to bottom. Adult bedbugs measure about ¼ inch in length. The mouthparts are shaped into an elongated proboscis, which, when not in use, is held directed backward underneath the body. When a bug is ready to feed, the proboscis is extended forward and the stylets within are thrust into the skin of a host. In case you identify bed bugs in your house, immediately call a professional Weston, CT pest control service for effective extermination of bed bugs from your home. For bed bug control in Weston, you can call ApolloX Pest Control to hire a certified exterminator that makes sure that you receive a professional bed bug treatment in Weston.
Where does a Bed Bug Live and Breed?
Bedbugs get their name because they like to live and feed off you in your bed! They like to hide in small cracks and crevices close to a human environment. They can be found behind baseboards, wallpaper, upholstery, and in furniture crevices. Their close proximity means that once infested, you will have many sleepless nights. To avoid this, contact ApolloX Pest Control professional bed bug treatment in Weston.
Been to a flee market before? (or rather the train station for bedbugs). Bedbugs often come into a home via secondhand articles and furniture. They may also migrate between homes via wires, plumbing, or rain gutters. In addition, since warehouses, trucks, and railroad cars may be infested, common bedbugs can infest homes by stowing away on new furniture stored or shipped from these places. Any extermination done by oneself will only prove to be temporary. In case of a bed bug infestation it is always recommended to hire services of professionals. For bed bug treatment in Weston, ApolloX Pest Control can provide affordable, effective and safe solutions to your bed bug problems.
Bed bugs are active only at night, usually just before dawn. During the day, they hide in cracks and crevices in walls, floors, beds, and furniture. When only a few bedbugs are present, they live close to human sleeping areas; when numerous, they can be found in many rooms of the house. A characteristic “bed bug odor” is frequently present in a home infested with bedbugs. Our Weston CT Pest control service makes sure that the bed bugs are exterminated and your house is free from their odor.
Adults feed once a week on average but feed many times during their four-month or longer lifespan. Mated female bed bugs deposit their eggs in their resting places. One female will produce about 345 eggs during her lifespan. This is a horrific scenario, and to avoid that it is best advised to hire a bed bug exterminator in Weston, one with professional credentials that can guarantee a bed bug free house.
Bed Bug bites can produce irritating, itching, and burning sensations. Bed bugs feed rapidly, becoming engorged in less than ten minutes. The act of biting is usually not felt, but later there is an allergic reaction to the protein found in the bed bug’s saliva. A colorless wheal or lump develops at the bite location. Discomfort from bed bug bites may last a week or more. In case of any indication of bed bugs presence in your house, immediately seek professional help from a Weston CT pest control company.
Bed Bugs Exterminator: How to Prevent Bringing Bed Bugs Home?
A bed bug infestation is serious business and should only be dealt with by professionals. There are only a few things you can do to increase your chances of bed bug infestation prevention.
- Avoid Purchasing second hand mattresses, couches or any type of padded furniture.
- During hotel stays make sure to keep your suitcases off the carpet, and try to keep them covered in plastic during the stay.
- A flashlight can be used to look for bed bugs during travel.
- On returning from a trip, you can put all your clothes in the dryer on high for 45 minutes which can kill any bed bugs present.
- Not fully grown, unengorged adults, especially their eggs, are hard to see, so if you think you have bed bugs, call a Weston CT pest control expert from ApolloX, before they take over your home.
Download the Bed Bugs Exterminator Coloring Book for Children HERE.
Call Now: (888) 499-7378 Weston CT ApolloX
Bed Bugs Exterminator
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