As the cold season approaches, the last thing any homeowner wants is an uninvited pest making a home indoors. Cockroaches, in particular, are not just a nuisance; they pose serious health risks by spreading germs and triggering allergies. As these pests are attracted to warm environments, winter can often see an uptick in infestations. Fortunately, […]
Posts Categorized: Food Destroying Pests
Cockroach Facts Beyond Belief

Cockroach Facts Beyond Belief – Setting the Stage While the cockroach already has an uncanny “super bug” reputation, the real truth will blow your mind. Most people know that the cockroach has been around for a long time, and will probably be the last species on the planet, even after a global nuclear war. Most […]
Pantry Moth Extermination – How to Identify and Eliminate Them

Pantry Moth Extermination – Why Bother? Put simply, pantry moths destroy food. They rapidly multiply and as their larvae eat through the food in a container whether it be a bag of flour, a cereal box or a box of oatmeal, they leave grow, molt and leave old skin casings, fras and waste on the […]
Cockroach Prevention – When the guests discovered a cockroach.

Cockroach Prevention – The only thing more horrifying than discovering a cockroach in your home is when your guests discover the cockroach.
Exterminate Pavement Ants by First Understanding Them

Exterminate Pavement Ants – To be successful, you’ll need to understand their behavior, habitat, food needs, and key extermination timing.
Safe Ant Repellents – Herbs and other natural solutions

Safe Ant Repellants: Discover a list of natural herbs and other repellants that will help keep your home or business ant-free.
Pavement Ants In Your School? Why Take Action Now?

Stop Pavement Ants In Their Tracks – 7 Battle Tactics

Stop Pavement Ants – It Happened So Fast The other night before bed, out of the corner of my eye I saw a tiny black spot on the kitchen floor that caught my attention. Instinctively, my focus was attracted to that spot because it was moving! Upon closer observation, it became clear that this was […]
Pavement Ants In Our Food Supply

Pavement Ants In Our Food Supply: They’ll eat pretty much everything we eat, and can be extremely hard to eliminate. Find out how to identify and control them.
Mediterranean Flour Moth Infestation – How it happens

Mediterranean Flour Moth Infestation: Learn how rapidly they can multiply, how even the most thorough cleaning may not be good enough and what to do.
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