6 Natural Mice Repellents

House Mouse ControlNatural Mice Repellants May Be Safer, Cleaner and More Humane

Chemical products can create a messy cleanup and they can take days to kill mice. They can also harm your kids and pets. 

Credits: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Natural Mice Repellent

Natural Mice Repellents: Mixed Reviews

The use of a natural mouse repellent is something to consider with the caution that deterrents like these have received mixed reviews. Some people claim that work great, while others state that they did not work at all. Also, if you have an established rodent problem, they may not be as effective as they are in preventing a problem in the first place.

6 Natural Mice Repellents

1) Pepperment Oil: Make sure the label says “100% pure”. Saturate cotton balls with peppermint oil and leave them around the areas you where have found droppings. Replace the cotton balls every few days as the oil quickly dissipates.  This is said to repel mice, sending them elsewhere.


Credits: Natural Mouse Repellent Options – HumanePestControlTips.com

2) Apple Cider Vinegar:  Clean floors, the insides of cabinets and countertops with 50% apple cider vinegar (does not have to be organic) and 50% water.  Mice will avoid the area and leave.

Credits: How Do you Protect your Emergency Supplies from Pests?

6 Natural Mice Repellents3) Cayenne Pepper Sachets: Make little sachets of cayenne pepper to place in areas mice like to hang out. Again, the smell of the pepper is supposed to drive them away.

4) Ammonia: Ammonia is said the mimic the scent of predators. Fill small containers and place them around the house where mice are known to live. 

5) Predator Odor: There are also commercially sold repellents that contain the urine of predators such as skunk or fox. combined with other organic materials. They’re sold in pellets or granules and are sprinkled around the area where the mice inhabit or travel.
Credits: Natural Mouse Repellent Options – HumanePestControlTips.com

6) Mint Leaves: 

  • Take a handful of fresh mint leaves
  • Chop them using a sharp kitchen knife.
  • One you have chopped the mint leaves, mix them with water and keep them for two days in a basin or a container.
  • Sprinkle them around your home and in all the areas where you will find mice droppings.
  • Alternatively, you can put cotton balls inside the container or basin and then place these balls around the area where you think the mice are living. But don’t forget to change the balls after a couple of days.

Credits: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Natural Mice Repellent

While natural repellents are especially good at helping prevent a rodent problem in the first place, if you have an established rodent problem, you will need the help of a pest control expert.

Call ApolloX Pest Control

(888) 499-7378

Keeping Rodents Out of Your Car This Winter

When we think “pest control” we most often think of the home and garden. So this will be a new line of thinking for many: Just when you thought your car was the last bastion of safety, your secure pest-free zone…

Rat PreventionKeeping Rodents Out of Your Car: Check Under the Hood!

As the weather turns colder, rodents like mice and even rats look for warm places to nest and get away from the elements, and many find cars to be an ideal option. Unfortunately, once these animals get inside, they tend to do a lot of damage.

A common hang out for these pests is under the hood, and they like to get inside things like the air filter housing, where they will chew up the filter to make nesting material.  Small animals will also go under the hood insulation, often dragging food along with them, like dog food, bird seed, acorns and walnuts.  If they don’t have food to bring along, they may feast on the wiring in the engine compartment and wreak havoc on your ability to drive the car.


Credits: Winter Pests: Keeping Rodents out of Your Vehicle – Think Smart

Deer Mouse Pest ControlKeeping Rodents Out of Your Car: Check the Ventilation System!

Rodents can find their way inside the car, as well.  They typically can enter through the ventilation system, and love to nest near the heater fan, which is generally located behind the glove box on the right side of the dash, nearby or directly above the heater core.  The heater core stays warm long after you leave the car and have turned off the engine, making this spot an ideal nesting area.  These critters pack food and nesting material inside the fan blade, which looks similar to a hamster wheel, and throw the blade out of balance, causing noise and vibration during operation.  Other problems stemming from this include blocked vents, which impedes airflow, as well as complications from chewed wiring. 


Credits: Winter Pests: Keeping Rodents out of Your Vehicle – Think Smart

House Mouse Pest ControlKeeping Rodents Out of Your Car: Don’t Start a Pest Cemetery!

Now, it’s bad enough to think about mice living in your vehicle, but it can get worse:  they can die inside the engine compartment or vehicle, as well.  Whether these bothersome tenants meet their demise trying to escape fan blades, chewing electrified wires, or otherwise, the outcome remains the same. The often hard-to-find remains can be foul smelling and continue to contribute to the aforementioned problems. Finding the culprit and eliminating the damage and the odor can be difficult and expensive.  How big of a problem is this?  We have seen damage over $10,000 caused by rodents.  And we see about one vehicle per week during the warm months with a problem, and sometimes 4 or 5 per week when the weather turns cold.  

Keeping Rodents Out of Your Car: Top 4 Tips

The best solution to this problem is to avoid the problem in the first place. Below are several tips that should help prevent rodents from exploring your car. 

  1. Keep Your Garage a Food-Free Zone: Don’t store pet food or bird food in a garage or outside unless it is in a tightly sealed, mouse-proof container.  Food attracts rodents, and they will take that food into your car.
  2. Keep Rodents Out of Your Garage: Depending on how you feel about trapping, killing, or poisoning mice, the best way to keep them out of your car is to keep them out of your garage.  Setting traps or poison baits are one way, but moth-balls strategically placed in a garage (away from children and pets) can also be effective.
  3. Fabric Softener Isn’t Just for Laundry Anymore: Many boat and RV owners will stuff fabric softener sheets into compartments when the vehicles are put into storage.  Placing Bounce fabric softener sheets in the glove box, under the seats and even inside the hood insulation may keep mice away.  There is the added benefit of that fresh laundry smell, too!
  4. Keep Your Car Clean: Throw away garbage in your car.  Those dropped French fries between the seats are attractants to animals.  Keeping the interior clean will help keep the mice away.

 Credits: Winter Pests: Keeping Rodents out of Your Vehicle – Think Smart

Need help keeping rodents out of your car? Do you have a pest problem in your garage? That’s the first stage of having a pest problem in your car. Eliminate the source:

Call ApolloX Pest Control:

(888) 499-7378


Indoor Home Improvement Projects For Cold Winter Days

Indoor Home Improvement Projects: The time is right!

As we create this blog post, it’s early December, 35 degrees and pouring rain in Greenwich Connecticut. Definitely not a good time to be tackling outdoor home improvement tasks.
Indoor Home Improvement Projects for WinterYou could wait for better weather, or create a list of fun indoor home improvement tasks.

Indoor Home Improvement Projects: Consider these for idea starters: 

  • Interior painting – Few indoor home improvement projects are more fun than making the spaces you love truly your own. The sky’s the limit! You can start small by tackling an accent wall, or maybe painting a decorative piece of furniture. If you’re worried about fumes, ask your paint supplier or professional interior painter about using low-VOC paint. This is an environmentally friendly, low-odor option.

Credits: 5 Fun Home Improvement Ideas to Tackle this Winter « Williams

Indoor Home Improvement Projects for Winter

  • Refinish your doors – Here’s a great indoor home improvement project. Are your doors scarred by dings, marks, and smudges? Interior doors count as high-traffic areas in your home, being pushed, banged, and maybe even occasionally slammed open and shut. Either painting or staining them will make an incredible difference!
  • Install a backsplash – This indoor home improvement project is a budget-friendly way to make a huge stylistic change in your kitchen. And, with the hundreds of options out there, you can create just the look you have in mind. If you aren’t sure where to start, take a look at other kitchen backsplash designs, and then get to work on your own.
  • Organization – Do you have a closet that you are just a little afraid to even touch? This indoor home improvement project is easy and inexpensive. Invest in some plastic storage containers, brew a fresh cup of coffee (or maybe a full pot), and start working during your next free afternoon. You’ll feel great, and who knows? You might discover that you have more space than you think you do!
  • Play with lighting – Have a dark room, or maybe you’d like a way to fight the seasonally shorter days? For this indoor home improvement project, why not add a few lights? Track lighting is a great way to strategically illuminate a space; aiming the light exactly where you need it most.

Indoor Home Improvement Projects: Free yourself to enjoy the outdoors when warm weather hits.

It can be enjoyable to tackle indoor home improvement projects during the cold wet Winter months, and in addition, when Spring arrives you’re free to give your total focus on outdoor activities!

By the way, if you happen to discover a pest issue while you’re engaged in your indoor home improvement projects (i.e. rats or mice in the attic, termite damage in the basement…etc.)…

Call ApolloX Pest Control

(888) 499-7378

Prevent Bed Bugs from Coming Home: Travel Tips

Once established in a home, bed bugs are difficult to remove. Treatments can be time, labor and material intensive to truly rid the home of all bed bugs present. The best offense is a strong defense. Prevent bed bugs from coming home in the first place.

Prevent Bed BugsTips to Prevent Bed Bugs from Coming Home

When you travel, keep these pointers in mind to reduce the risk of your bringing bed bugs home with you:

  1. When checking into a hotel, you can prevent bed bugs from coming home by first inspecting your room thoroughly for bed bugs. Look closely for them (or their signs: blood spots) in or behind the headboard of the bed, over the bed, in, on or behind the picture hanging above the bed board, in the seams of the mattress and box springs. (Bed bugs feed upon human blood at night and are somewhat messy leaving obvious stains behind.)
  2. Inspect the valet stand or luggage rack thoroughly around the fabric seams to see that there are no bed bugs; after passing your inspection, place your suitcase on the stand and keep it there the entire visit; do not let the suitcase sit on the floor, which makes it more difficult to prevent bed bugs from hitching a ride and coming home with you.
  3. Bed Bugs Pest ControlMove your bed away from the wall of the room, and do not let linens touch the floor.
  4. Check the hangers and rack in the closet before hanging your clothes there. You want to prevent bed bugs from hitching a ride home on your cloths.
  5. Check nightstands and dresser drawers before placing personal items on or inside.
  6. If you should find bed bugs present, please alert the hotel management that this is the case and that you would like to be moved to another room. Only by informing the management of the bed bugs can they begin to tackle their problem. Hotels are now very concerned to prevent bed bugs. They’ll work with you to make your stay pleasant.
  7. When you return home, prevent bed bugs from entering your home by first unloading your suitcase in the garage or out on the porch or patio. Check your suitcase and other luggage thoroughly (inside and out) for any signs of bed bug hitchhikers that may have come with you.
  8. If you should accidentally bring bed bugs home with you, contact us immediately to help rid your home of them.

Call ApolloX Pest Control: (888) 499-7378

How to Prevent Bed Bugs from Hitching a Ride from School

Food Destroying Pests: Pantry Moths, Cockroaches, and More

If you have ever poured cereal into a bowl then watched with alarm as several pieces began to crawl up the side of the bowl, you may have
already discovered stored product infesting beetles. A variety of food destroying pests, from small insects to mice and rats live and feed on the same foods we do.

Food Destroying Pests: Examples


Cockroach PreventionThe American cockroach is the household cockroach. They are often found in sewers and basements, around pipes and drains. Cockroaches can spread at least 33 kinds of bacteria, 6 kinds of parasitic worms, and 7 other pathogens. Brownbanded cockroaches prefer warm and dry locations, such as near refrigerator motor housings, on the upper walls of cabinets, and inside pantries, closets, dressers, and furniture in general. The German cockroach is usually found in kitchens (near dishwashers, stoves, and sinks) and in bathrooms of homes.

Pantry Moths

Indian Meal Moth, a Food Destroying PestA mature Indian meal moth female lays 100 to 300 eggs on food material, either singularly or in groups of twelve to thirty. The Mediterranean Flour Moth can be found in many foods in addition to flour, grain residues, broken kernels and various whole grains. The female moth lays from 116 to 678 small white eggs in accumulations of flour, meal, waste grain, and other food sources. Commonly, the eggs are attached to the food.


Winter Pest ControlThe deer mouse enters homes through small cracks in windows and doors and are in search of food and warmth. Deer mice damage upholstered furniture, mattresses, clothing, paper, or other materials they find suitable for constructing their nests. Deer mice are a particular concern because they spread hantavirus, which can be deadly to people. The house mouse consumes and contaminates food meant for humans, pets, livestock, or other animals. In addition, they cause considerable damage to structures and property, and they can transmit pathogens that cause diseases such as salmonellosis, a form of food poisoning.


rat-norway-rat-005Norway rats eat and contaminate foodstuffs and animal feed. They also damage containers and packaging materials in which foods and feed are stored. If roof rats are living in the attic of a residence, they can cause considerable damage with their gnawing and nest-building activities. They also damage garden crops and ornamental plantings. Among the diseases roof rats can transmit to humans or livestock are murine typhus, leptospirosis, salmonellosis (food poisoning), and ratbite fever. Plague is a disease that roof rats can carry.

Pavement Ants

Food Destroying PestsPavement ants feed on a wide variety of food. Sweets, including sugar, nectar, fruits, and syrups are readily taken. Grease, dead insects, and small seeds also are collected and stored in the nest. Nearly any morsel of food that falls to the floor will be consumed.

Food Destroying Pests Contaminate Food, Cause Allergies and Spread Disease

Adults of many of these food destroying pests pests fly toward lights and may be found in other rooms or floors quite a distance from your food storage areas. These pests do eat at least a small amount of the food they infest, but their presence, their droppings, cast skins, and certain chemical excretions contaminate much more of the food and sometimes cause allergies in those persons who ingest them.

Get rid of pantry moths. Schedule an appointment with ApolloX today.

Bed Bug Infestation: In Homes, Hotels and More

Bed Bugs Pest ControlUntil recently, you may have thought bed bugs were just a myth. We’ve all heard the old nursery rhyme, “Sleep tight; don’t let the bed bugs bite.”

Bed Bug Infestation Is Expanding, and In the News

We wish we could tell you that it was only a rhyme or a myth, but bed bugs are in the news almost daily now for a reason. Bed bugs have recently experienced a resurgence and have become a real nuisance for hotels, college dorms, cruise ships, hospitals, nursing homes, homes and apartments. They’ve even been found on public transportation, such as buses, commuter trains and airplanes. And, they’ve been found in every class of hotel from the shady to the most luxurious. (They are often found in resort areas frequented by tourists.)

Bed Bug InfestationBed Bug Infestation Can Go Unnoticed Until the Problem Has Progressed

Adult bed bugs are very small, about the size of a tick. In fact, they are often mistaken for ticks or small cockroaches, so we do not always get a call for an infestation as soon as we might like. It is important to call a pest professional right away if you suspect bed bugs so that we can begin treatment immediately. Bed bugs are quite prolific and multiply rapidly. A bed bug infestation requires the assistance of a pest professional and is not something a homeowner can rid on their own. That’s why you ApolloX Pest Control. We have been specially trained to inspect a room thoroughly for the presence of bed bugs and to target treat the sites where they are located.

Bed Bug ProblemHarm Caused by Bed Bug Infestation

If there is any good news about bed bugs, it is this. To date, there has been no disease transmission concerns associated with the blood feeding nature of the bed bug. Some people have reactions to the saliva of the bite of the bed bug, not unlike a bee sting or spider bite reaction. Of course, knowing something is feeding upon you at night does not help one sleep better.

How to Stop Bed Bug Infestation Now

If you should have any questions about bed bugs, please feel free to call us at the number closest to you or send an email from our Schedule an Appointment page.

Spiders: Black Widow, Brown Recluse, Spider Bites

Brown Recluse Spider Pest ControlMost spiders live outdoors, do not pose any health risks to people, and are generally helpful by keeping insect populations in check. However, all spiders have venom and use it to subdue their prey and to pre-digest their prey’s bodily contents. Though all spiders have voluntary control of how much venom they inject during a bite, only a few species live near or inside human’s homes, bite people, or have venom which can cause harm to people. If a spider bite is suspected, especially from a black widow or brown recluse, swelling and redness in the bitten area will occur. Clean the wound with soap and water, and use a cold pack on the site to alleviate the pain and swelling. Fevers, nausea, and abdominal pain may occur, in which case the bite victim should seek medical help. It is best to catch the spider that bit if at all possible for proper identification

Spiders – The Black Widow Spider:

The Black Widow spider (pictured above) is probably the most recognized spider of all. The females are about one half inch long, with a spherical black abdomen marked with a red or orange hourglass. The males look completely different- about half the size of the female, brownish with variable red spots and white lines.

The pain from a black widow bite is usually immediate, with maximum pain during the first one to three hours, and gradual subsidence after 12 to 48 hours. Major symptoms include fevers and increased blood pressure, and one should seek medical attention.

Brown Recluse Spider Pest ControlSpiders – The Brown Recluse Spider:

The Brown Recluse spider is the other medically important spider in the continental U.S. It is easily identified by the dark violin-shaped marking on the top of its thorax. Note on the map provided of the Brown Recluse’s range, limited to most southern and central states.

Brown recluse bites may not be felt right away, but a stinging pain may be felt up to eight hours after the occurrence. A small blister usually forms around the bitten area, and the dead tissue gradually sloughs away over a two week period. In severe cases, medical attention will be necessary in treating the dead skin tissue.

More about Brown Recluse Spiders

Bed Bug Problem: From School to Your Home

Bed Bug ProblemWe received a call the other day from a homeowner. That morning her son woke up with a grouping of small dark pink welts on his back. She immediately suspected a bed bug problem, but had no idea how the insects could have been introduced into her home. She was somewhat embarrassed, and repeatedly told us how her housekeeping standards were the best.

We found the home truly was immaculate, and were able to safely eliminate the bed bug problem within a few hours. Furthermore, we discovered the bed bugs had hitched a ride into the home on her son’s school back pack. No home, however well kept, is 100% safe from this type of bed bug problem.

Bed Bug ProblemBed Bug Problem: Increasing Due to Mobility

Bed bugs have been labeled one of the most difficult pests to control by pest management professionals nationwide. This is because bed bugs are one of the most mobile pests you can encounter.

Signs of a Bed Bug Problem

You can visually identify bed bugs by finding live insects, their eggs, or their molted skins. Inspections may also uncover feces, which look like tiny black dots and are typically found near where they live. When you see these signs, you have a bed bug problem.

It’s Fall and bed bugs love the opportunity to hitch a ride from your children’s school right into your home. How can you keep beg bugs from invading your living space and creating a bed bug problem?

Bed Bug ProblemBed Bug Problem Prevention: Elementary and High School Parents

Here are 4 quick tips to help parents of elementary and high school age children avoid a bed bug problem:

  1. Regularly inspect student belongings – backpacks, gym bags, lunch boxes – for signs of bed bugs.
  2. If your child’s school has reported bed bug infestation, consider housing all related items in a sealed plastic bin.
  3. Wash and dry cloth items returning from school in hot temperatures.
  4. Ask school administrators whether they have bed bug detection and elimination plans.

Bed Bug Problem Prevention: College Parents

If you have children in college, the opportunities for a bed bug problem can dramatically increase.

Here are 4 quick tips to help parents of college students avoid a bed bug problem:

  1. Fully inspect suitcases prior to re-packing for a return to school, especially after any summer trips.
  2. Before putting sheets on a dorm or apartment bed, inspect the mattress seams, particularly at the corners, and box springs for telltale stains or spots.
  3. ​Thoroughly inspect the entire room before unpacking, including behind the headboard and in sofas and chairs.
  4. Inspect any “secondhand” furniture for bed bugs before bringing it into a dorm rooms or off-campus housing.

Eliminate a Bed Bug Problem In Your Home Now

If you suspect you have a bed bug problem, contact ApolloX Pest Control immediately.

Call: (800) 499-7378

Email: info@apollox.net

House Mouse Control Problems? How to Win!

House Mouse ControlWhat a beautiful Northeastern Fall we’re experiencing this year as we rapidly approach the peak of Fall colors. But there’s a downside. As temperatures drop mice begin looking for Winter food and shelter…possibly in your home!

Each year at this time hundreds of homeowners in Southern Connecticut call for help with house mouse control.

Credits: Fall Preview: Mice Pest Control — Chagrin Valley Pest Control

House mice are Olympic gold medalists when it comes to entering and navigating your home. They are excellent climbers and can run vertically up a brick wall at top speed. A house mouse can effortlessly jump 5 or six times it’s body length (equivalent of a human jumping vertically 20-30 feet)! And house mice can slip through a crack the diameter of a pencil.

Inside your home, house mice find everything they need for a comfortable Winter:

  • Insulation for a warm, soft nesting area
  • Your kitchen provides all the food they need
  • Water condensation on pipes ensures mice will never go thirsty.

House Mouse Control First Line of Defense: Make the environment immediately OUTSIDE your home unfriendly to mice.

  • A wood pile, high grass and leaves provide perfect nesting areas.
  • Bird feeders, dog food or any animal food provide all the nutrition a rodent needs.
  • Ponds, bird baths, fountains and any standing water will attract a thirsty rodent.

Winter Pest ControlHouse Mouse Control Second line of defense: Seal every crack larger than the width of a pencil.

Mice are part of the ‘Rodent family’ – this means their 2 front teeth constantly grow. To keep these teeth in check, they have to constantly gnaw to wear them down. This means mice can gnaw through floorboards, door frames, plastic pipes, and electrical cables and even lightweight aluminum. This provides a problem for the pest controller as any proofing works are often bypassed by the mice gnawing through the proofing product or simply gnawing another access hole next to the area proofed.

Credits: What can cause you to suffer a mice infestation? – Murray Pest Control

House Mouse Control Third Line of Defense: Eliminate any available source of food INSIDE your home.

Given a mouse only weighs around 10 grams, it doesn’t need much in the way of split food or refuse to live and raise a family.

Dog and cat food is nearly always left on the floor all day and night where it is easily accessed by foraging rodents.

Much like our food, it is high in proteins and vitamins and therefore is ideal for supporting mouse infestations. Pet birds can encourage an infestation, the canary & millet seeds used to feed them are ideal mice food, they usually come in soft packaging that is easily gnawed through and mice can fit through the bars to all bird cages. Credits: What can cause you to suffer a mice infestation? – Murray Pest Control

House Mouse ControlOther Food Sources on Your House Mouse Control Hit List:

  • The cages of pet guinea pigs and rabbits – mice can easily get into their cages to feast on their food.
  • Bulk food storage: House mice easily gnaw through those bulk bags of rice and flour from Costco that sit in your pantry for weeks.

Your house mouse control challenge dramatically increases once mice are inside your home. Each mouse can rear a litter of 8 within the first 6 weeks, and do this up to 10 times each year! The next generations are mature in 6 weeks, and rearing litters of their own. Do the math…that’s a lot of mice!

What’s more, by the time you see the first mouse, or mouse droppings, the mice may be 2 or 3 generations along!

House Mouse Control Ultimate Line of Defense:

Call ApolloX Pest Control Now: (888) 499-7378


Even if you do not see any signs of house mice, we can thoroughly inspect your home and yard, help you to an effective mouse control strategy, and discover a mouse control problem before long before you know it’s there, and way before it get’s out of hand.

Pantry Moth Extermination & Prevention: Step by Step Guide

Pantry Moth ExterminationPantry Moth Extermination and Prevention Is Essential In the 21st Century

In spite of all our modern advances, it’s still a myth that food from the grocery store is insect-free. Actually, even the what appears to be a perfect hermetically sealed container can harbor hundreds of insect eggs!

Credits: Pantry Moths in the Howling Storm – Better Living through Beowulf

Pantry moths are among the main culprits, especially when it comes to dry goods like flours and cereals.

Pantry Moth ExterminationYour Pantry Moth Extermination Strategy

Here is a complete strategy to discover, remove and prevent all pantry moths from making their home in your pantry and becoming a part of your next meal – YUK!

Credits: How To Prevent & Get Rid Of Pantry Moths | Apartment Therapy

Pantry Moth Extermination Begins with a Thorough Inspection

Inspect everything in your pantry:

  • Flours
  • Grains
  • Dried Fruit
  • Candy
  • Pet Food

Watch for adult moths, larvae and eggs which may look like webbing or clumps of grains.

If you find signs of pantry moths in any food container, it is wise to discard all open food containers immediately. Take them outside the house, bag and seal them in plastic within your outdoor trash container so that they don’t manage to get back into your home.

Pantry Moth ExterminationPantry Moth Extermination Without Chemicals

Wash and wipe down everything that holds food:

Thoroughly scrub your pantry and all food storage containers with hot soapy water & scrub brush.

Wash everything:

  • Shelves
  • Food containers
  • Bottles (wipe under jar and can lids for eggs)

Pantry Moth ExterminationPantry Moth Extermination 1st Line of Defense = Prevention

Deter future moths (along with ants, cockroaches and mice):

Wipe down everything with white vinegar (add a few drops of essential oil like peppermint, citronella, eucalyptus or tea tree).

Starve out any survivors:

Wait a week before restocking your pantry.

Credits: How to Get Rid of Pantry Moth Infestation Safely | My Natural Pest

Prevent new entries into your home:

  • Freeze all dry goods for one week before storing. This will kill any insect eggs.
  • Store everything in air tight containers. Remove flour and cereal from boxes and bags which provide an easy entrance and habitat for insects.
  • Place bay leaves on your shelves, or in a shallow container. Place them in flour containers. Bay leaves deter moths and insects, yet do not affect the taste of your food.

If Pantry Moth Extermination Seems Like a Lot of Work…

It is!

Call ApolloX Pest Control: We’ll exterminate pantry moths for you–and help you prevent them from returning.

Call (888) 499-7378



How To Prevent & Get Rid Of Pantry Moths | Apartment Therapy

How to Get Rid of Pantry Moths | Housewife How-To’s