Cockroach Prevention: How to Keep Them Out of Your Home

Cockroach PreventionWhy Cockroach Prevention?

Here are some startling facts:

American cockroaches have been reported to spread

  • At least 33 kinds of bacteria
  • Six kinds of parasitic worms
  • At least seven other kinds of human pathogens 

They can pick up germs on the spines of their legs and bodies as they crawl through decaying matter or sewage and then carry these into food or onto food surfaces.

Recent medical studies have shown that cockroach allergens cause allergies and exacerbate asthma attacks, especially in children and those living in metro-city areas. Credits: American Cockroach Control & Prevention « Bug Busters USA

Cockroach PreventionCockroach Prevention Begins with Identification


You can typically identify a cockroach infestation by their droppings. Cockroach droppings resemble a small amount of pepper, and they can be found in various places; they tend to prefer corners, crevices, and other small spaces. Check around your fridge, oven, and dishwasher to see if you have a cockroach problem. Your pest control professional can rid your home of these bugs using hand sprayers, traps, or foggers. Credits: A Look at Some Cockroach Prevention Methods – Payne Pest

Image: Credits: American Cockroach Control & Prevention « Bug Busters USA

  • Cockroach PreventionCockroach Prevention Actions

  • Seal cracks around the outside of the home to prevent pest entryways.
  • Properly ventilate basements and crawl spaces to eliminate harborage points.
  • Seal all entrances around utility pipes and ventilate crawl spaces to prevent moisture buildup.
  • Vacuum frequently and remove garbage from around the home on a routine basis.
  • Do not allow dirty dishes to accumulate in the sink and remain there overnight.
  • Keep food in the refrigerator or in containers with tight-fitting lids to prevent contamination.
  • Periodically check and clean the evaporation pan under the refrigerator or freezer.

Credits: Cockroach prevention tips – Hulett Pest Control

Cockroach Prevention Professional Help

If you suspect you have an infestation, contact ApolloX Pest Control to identify the species and recommend a course of treatment. We’re licensed pest control professionals.

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Rat Prevention Tips and Techniques

Rat PreventionRat Prevention Tips: Especially Valuable for Homes Near Water

Do you live near a water source, for example, a lake, pond, river or creek? These areas can be especially favorable for rats, making your home a prime target.

Rat PreventionRat Prevention by Making Your Home “Rat Unfriendly”

Attack the problem with a three-fold strategy: Create rat prevention barriers, eliminate their food sources and repel them with odors they hate.

Rat Prevention Barriers

If the little critters are finding a way into your home – either under your floor or in your walls, you’ll need to seal off all entry points. Fill every crack, hole, and possible point of access into your house: around the exterior, on the roof, at the crawlspace/attic, and in the foundation. You can have this done professionally, or you can invest some time and do it yourself. Fill small holes with steel wool, which the rodents won’t chew through. Larger openings can be mended with hardware cloth and filler. Repair any damage to vents, and fit them with a screen.

Rat Prevention by Eliminating Food Sources

You don’t want to do anything that might draw their attention. Namely, food or hiding spots. So make sure your garbage cans and compost bins are on lockdown. Put away any pet food or birdseed that might be available. And finally, trim back or remove any foliage that sits alongside or hangs out over the house.

Rat PreventionRat Prevention with Odors They Hate

There are a few different natural products reputed to repel rodents. For a homemade solution, try sachets of Balsam Fir, a spray made from peppermint oil or wintergreen oil diluted in water, a spray made from equal parts ammonia and vinegar, or a solution made from 1 gallon water + 1/2 cup dish detergent + 1 tablespoon tabasco sauce. You can also plant peppermint and sage around the yard, which will help to ward off the rodents.

From Rat Prevention to Rat Removal

What if you discover rats have already gained a foothold in your home? It’s time to move from rat prevention to rat removal. Here are a couple approaches:

Rat Prevention with an Ultrasonic/Electromagnetic Device

Somewhere between a repellant and a removal system, these unique instruments emit a very high-frequency sound wave which is imperceptible to humans or non-pest animals, like pets. The sound is supposedly unbearable to rodents, and is reported to keep them away as long as the device is operating.

Rat PreventionRat Prevention with Box Traps

Trap them, then release them in the wilderness.

There are a number of no-kill rodent traps on the market, and this is the solution that has worked so well for us. SO well! These traps are awesome and easy to use and of course, cruelty-free! We used this product in both the “chipmunk, rat, and weasel” size (for the rats) as well as the “mouse” size (for the baby rats and mice).

 Credits: Natural And Cruelty-Free Pest Control: Rats And Mice | Bonzai

Rat Prevention: A Less “Hands-On” Method

The “hands on” method of rat prevention and control may work for some. But what if you simply don’t want to get up close and comfortable with rodents? Most people dislike them, fear them and want to keep their distance. Caging them, approaching a cage holding an angry wild rat, lifting it, placing it in your car, taking it for a ride to the wilderness, then opening the cage to let the angry caged rat out may be a bit much for many people. 

No problem. Simply call ApolloX Pest Control. We’ll quickly eliminate your rat problem and discover the source, so it won’t happen again.

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Rat Infestation Signs, Solutions

Rat InfestationRat Infestation: You May Not Know It Exists

Rats are the root cause for destruction and contamination in the home and business; able to increase their colonies with 20 pups through their lifetime. Credits: Articles Life » Tips For Atlanta Rat Control

How is it possible to have a rat infestation in your home and not even know it?

Rats are very secretive. Normally rats are most active at night and  it can be hard to identify their entry point into your home. Here’s some help identifying a rat infestation. 

Norway Rats Pest ControlOutdoor Signs of a Rat Infestation

Tell-tale tunnels through bushes in the garden are a sign of rats around the home. Rats create burrows in gardens, especially in compost heaps or under sheds. Rats will also build nests under garden decking. 

Although they may not have gained access to your house, damage and infection can still occur as a result of outdoor infestation. Deter rodent activity from your home by sealing rubbish in containers and don’t overfeed birds or place bird food on the ground which is easily accessible to rodents. Credits: Signs Of A Rat Infestation | deBugged – Rentokil

Credits: Fed Up With Rodent Infestation, NY Man Puts Up “RAT CROSSING

Video of a Rat Infestation in a Community Garden

The culprit, quite possibly a person feeding the birds!

Norway Rats Pest ControlIndoor Signs of a Rat Infestation

Rats use defined, regular routes to move around houses. With bad eyesight, they rely on sensitive hairs to feel their way and this continual contact with surfaces causes grease to rub off their fur leaving behind tell-tale ‘smear marks’ which are most often found along skirting boards or at the entrance of holes. Mice also urinate at smear mark points, causing a characteristic musty smell.

 Credits: Signs Of A Rat Infestation | deBugged – Rentokil

Rat InfestationThe typical evidence to look for in your home is:

  • Scratching – noises in walls, under the floor or under decking as rats scurry around looking for food.
  • Droppings – rats leave dark, tapered (sausage shaped) droppings about 1 – 2cm long.
  • Distinctive smell – rats leave an ammonia-like smell that will be particularly strong in enclosed areas such as under cupboards, in loft spaces, garages, sheds or under decking.
  • Damage – rats have teeth that grow continuously and gnaw on wood, plastic and even mild steel to keep them trim. Rats can even cause fires by chewing through cables and wiring.
  • Ripped food packaging – rats will tear open all types of packaging to find food which may leave teeth marks.
  • Nests – built in warm, hidden places using shredded material such as newspaper, plastic and fabrics. Nests will often contain young.

Credits: Signs Of A Rat Infestation | deBugged – Rentokil

Rat Infestation: How Rats Get Into Your Home

If there is a small opening to your home, rats can easily squeeze through even the tightest of gaps. They are well known to get into loft spaces or kitchens in order to look for food. Many rat infestation cases report gnawing of boxes, carpets and other things, which leave behind a trail of debris. Warehouses in particular can suffer from large infestations but it is still a common problem within the home. Credits: Everything You Need to Know About Rat Infestation | Cross Pest

Prevent Rat Infestation by Sealing Them Out

To ensure that adequate ventilation is maintained, you should secure a solid steel gauze across holes and seal cracks that the pests will not be able to squeeze or gnaw through. Move all debris and potential nesting spots away from the living area to prevent making your living space an appealing option for colonies. Credits: Articles Life » Tips For Atlanta Rat Control

Rat Infestation: A Dangerous Problem

Rats transmit diseases. If food and water sources are contaminated by urine and faeces it can cause a number of illnesses to humans. the most prominent are types of food poisoning, including Salmonella, whereby the rat will transmit these specific micro-organisms. The best thing to do if you think you have a rat infestation is to avoid eating anything from opened boxes or packets, or anything you notice that has hole marks in it. Credits: Everything You Need to Know About Rat Infestation | Cross Pest 

If You Think You Might Have a Rat Infestation In Your Home…

Call in a licensed professional.

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Fall Yellow Jackets, Extremely Aggressive

Have you noticed that yellow jackets are especially aggressive and cranky in the fall? They seem to be everywhere, and ready to attack if you get too close, make loud noises, or just look at them wrong! Ever wondered why?

Fall Yellow JacketsFall Yellow Jackets are Defending Their Queen

Michigan State University Entomologist Howard Russell says this is the time of year where they’re out in full force — and they’re especially irritable and aggressive because they’re raising next year’s queen.
Credits: Yellow Jackets Get Cranky Defending The Queen « CBS Detroit

Russell says if you have an allergy to yellow jackets, be very careful.

“If you are allergic to honey bee venom there’s a good chance you are going to have a bad reaction wasp venom or yellow jackets venom too. People like that should – especially this time of year — should have their epi-pens nearby and ready to go,” said Russell.

“Our yellow jackets are annual in that they build this nest that lasts one year and the following year the colony starts to decline – this is also the time of year when they are raising next year’s queen so they tend to be really irritable, non-tolerant, and aggressive toward anybody that ventures too close to their nest.”

Russell says the Fall yellow jackets will be especially aggressive if you’re near their nest, or if you have certain types of food such as sweets and meat.

Credits: Yellow Jackets Get Cranky Defending The Queen « CBS Detroit

While all wasps are mean and vicious, Fall yellow jackets nest together by the thousands, unlike the paper wasps that nest on the bottom of your grill or inside your door frame, where a dozen or more is considered a big nest.

Credits: Yellow jackets are nasty |

Fall Yellow JacketsFall Yellow Jackets: Keeping Your Home Safe

If Fall yellow jackets are the issue, how can you keep your home safe?

Experts say if you find a nest in the ground, you might be able to deal with the issue yourself.

“A little insecticide spray dust dumped down the hole will generally take care of that,” says Russell.

If these insects are nesting in the siding of your home or in a tree, it might be time to call a professional. Plus, killing a few won’t make much of a difference, destroying the nest will work, but that in turn puts you in danger of being stung.

Plus, unlike bees, yellow jackets can sting you multiple times.

“Yellow jacket stingers aren’t barbed like a honey bee’s stinger so they can sting you repeatedly,” says Russell.

Credits: Attack of the Yellow Jackets: Dealing with Wasps in Mid-Michigan

“That’s probably the worst thing you can do,” says Russell.

If a colony has been disturbed, cover your face with your hands and slowly retreat from the area towards a building, car, or dense vegetation. Do not run as the swift motion may attract more yellow jackets. Credits: It’s Time to Control Yellow Jackets | IANR Latest News | University of

Fall yellow jackets typically appear from mid-August to the first couple frosts. Experts say make sure the lids on trash bins are sealed tightly and look for trash in your yard. But, it is hard to prevent wasps from nesting. Credits: Attack of the Yellow Jackets: Dealing with Wasps in Mid-Michigan

The best way to stay safe while eliminating a dangerous nest of aggressive Fall yellow jackets is to have it done by a licensed professional. If you discover a yellow jacket nest on your property, call the professionals at ApolloX Pest Control.

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Carpenter Ants Habits – Pretty Amazing: Useful & Destructive

Carpenter ants habits and nature are pretty amazing. Understanding their habits can help ensure that they remain in nature where they perform a useful role, yet stay out of your home where they can be very destructive.

Carpenter Ants HabitsCarpenter Ants Habits Are Vital to Nature’s Balance

Carpenter ants habits are vital to the balance of nature because they nest in dead wood and aid in the process of decaying. Although the carpenter ants play this important role in the natural cycle, they can become pests to home and business owners when they make their home in the wood structures of buildings. Credits: A Guide to Carpenter Ants | Batzner Pest Management

Carpenter Ants HabitsCarpenter Ants Habits

Carpenter ants habits result in the creation of elaborate passageways in the wood for nesting and movement throughout the colony, connecting them to different food sources.

These ants are most active at night, starting just after sundown. They emerge about 15 minutes after sunset and leave the nest to forage for food. They feed mainly in the tree tops, consuming “honeydew” produced by aphids and scale insects. Honeydew is rich in sugar and can sustain the entire ant colony. Credits: Carpenter ants can do big damage if left unchecked | Columbia

Carpenter ants forage for food around their nest, carry it back to the nest, and share the meal with the rest of the colony members. Credits: A Guide to Carpenter Ants | Batzner Pest Management

Carpenter Ants HabitsCarpenter Ants Habits Fun Facts

Super Ant!

Carpenter ants are the largest ants in North America with super-sized strength to match their super size. Dwarfing other ants, these wood-destroying ants can reach a length of 3/4 inch and lift up to seven times their own weight with their powerful jaws. In human terms that would be like lifting a large dairy cow with your teeth!

Mr. Clean

Carpenter ants habits include excellent hygiene, removing dead colony members and decaying food from the nest promptly. They also collect plant resins to chemically disinfect their nests. Cleanliness improves the insects’ chance for survival by removing pathogens and bacteria that could endanger the colony’s health.

Ant Farmers

Carpenter ants habits include loving their sweets and being particularly fond of a sweet dewy juice called honeydew that is produced by tiny plant aphids. To keep the colony well stocked with its favorite treat, carpenter ants tend, feed and protect “flocks” of aphids, regularly harvesting the sweet honeydew for the colony’s snacking enjoyment. Credits: Three Fun Facts about Carpenter Ants – Allison Pest Control

Carpenter Ants Habits Inside the Home

Inside the home, nests are often found in areas containing moisture-damaged wood. The damp wood and warm temperatures inside a home is also conducive to carpenter ant colony survival. Carpenter ants found in the home can often be traced back to nests outdoors in nearby trees. Scout for ant movement 15 to 20 minutes after sunset. Use a flashlight to search for the carpenter ants moving along their pathways. These pathways will lead you to their food source and the nest. Credits: Carpenter ants can do big damage if left unchecked | Columbia

Identifying Carpenter Ants Habits in Creating an Infestation

The most common method to identify an infestation is the sighting of carpenter worker or winged ants in the home. Although worker ants (ants without wings) can be seen in a home without an infestation, the identification of winged ants often indicates a mature colony that is ready to reproduce and form new colonies. Additional signs of an infestation can include the location of sawdust-like wood debris (frass) from tunnels created by ants.  A rustling sound can also be heard as the ants build tunnels throughout the wood in a home. Credits: A Guide to Carpenter Ants | Batzner Pest Management

When Carpenter Ants Habits Result in Infestation: What to Do? 

Carpenter ants habits can cause structural damage to your home. They bore passageways in your home’s wood foundation, framing and siding. Moisture can enter into the wood and weaken it, eventually causing it to decay. It’s best to have carpenter ants professionally and safely exterminated.

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Carpenter Ant Colony and Satellite Colony

A carpenter ant colony likely exists outside in nature, near your home. They’re ready to create a satellite colony inside your home. Outside they are useful, inside destructive.

Carpenter Ant ColonyCarpenter Ant Colony Behavior

For carpenter ants to create colonies, they will need mature male and female winged reproductives to mate. They mate and swarm during early spring to summer. After the mating season or nuptial flight, the male will die, and the female will search for a suitable nest. Once the nest is found, the female ant will deposit 15 to 20 eggs that will soon become her first workers. These workers will be responsible in nourishing developing larvae and the queen. It may take 3 to 6 years for a colony to grow to around 3,000 to 5,000 ants.  Credits: Understanding Carpenter ants | Horizon Pest Control Blog 

Carpenter ants are the only polymorphic ant. This means a colony will consist of numerous different sizes of ants. All ants that one sees are adults.  Credits: Big black carpenter ants and little baby black carpenter ants

Carpenter Ant ColonyCarpenter Ant Colony Sets Up a Satellite Colony In Your Home!

A satellite carpenter ant colony may appear in your home. These colonies might find the luscious, damp wood of an old house and decide that it’s the perfect spot to wreck havoc. Carpenter ants typically show up in your home because they are searching for food and water. They might be in a dying tree just outside your door or across the yard at the old shed. They might even be underneath that soft spot on your porch steps, where wood rot is taking hold. The tricky part is finding where they have set up their satellite colony.

Carpenter Ant ColonyLocating the Carpenter Ant Colony Satellite

Sometimes you might get lucky and see exactly where they are going. Unfortunately, for most homeowners it isn’t that simple. Now is the time to get up underneath the house and take a look at things. Since the carpenter ants don’t actually eat the wood, they will leave plenty of shavings on the ground near the nest. 

Another interesting (and slightly creepy) way to discover them is by using a stethoscope. Don’t have one? An inverted drinking glass might do. When you press the stethoscope against the wall and listen, you just might hear the busy rustling of those carpenter ants working away on their nest. Credits: Getting Rid of Carpenter Ants – Old House Web

Preventing a Carpenter Ant Colony Satellite

Keep all firewood dry, off the ground and away from your house, bringing in only what you need when you actually need it. Replace any decaying wood and keep a close eye on the things that might cause a problem, such as clogged gutters or leaks. Seal up any holes around pipes that might be an entryway, and place a moisture barrier in your crawlspaces to help deter them even further. Credits: Getting Rid of Carpenter Ants – Old House Web

Carpenter Ant Colony Satellite Signs

You will know if your home has a carpenter ant colony satellite when:

  • You see a high concentration of ants going in a particular moist area
  • You hear an active colony, creating a dry rustling sound that is similar to the crinkling of cellophane.
  • You see swarms of winged ants trying to get out of the house
  • You see sawdust-like boring outside their galleries and little openings in woodwork

Credits: Understanding Carpenter ants | Horizon Pest Control Blog

It often takes many applications to get control of your house back, as carpenter ants are tenacious. And besides, they often have a parent colony somewhere nearby, where they get an endless supply of fresh ants heading for the satellite colony you are trying to destroy. If you can find that parent colony, get rid of it too. But these colonies can be huge, so you might have to call in a professional contractor to help eradicate it. Credits: Getting Rid of Carpenter Ants – Old House Web

Carpenter Ant Colony: What to Do If You Find One In Your Home?

Carpenter Ant Colony: What to Do If You Find One In Your Home?

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Why call ApolloX?

  • You don’t want to crawl under your home (where you may discover more than a carpenter ant colony!)
  • You want to ensure carpenter ants are completely eliminated from your home.
  • You want to have the master colony eliminated (the one that sent the satellite into your home in the first place, and will do it again)!
  • You and your family want to be safe from toxic chemicals.

Termites In Your Home? How Do You Know?

Termites In Your Firewood PileEach year termites cause billions of of dollars in damage to homes in the U.S., making them the most economically important wood destroying insects in the country.

By the time you actually see termites, they have likely already caused major damage to the structure of your home, so it’s important to discover their presence in your home before you actually happen to see a termite. Here’s some help:

Termites In Your Home? Follow the Moisture.

Termites thrive on moisture in the home. Homes stand a higher chance of termite infestation if there is wood paneling or support touching the ground on the exterior of the home, if there are cracks in the foundation or if there are woodpiles or stumps near the home, which are breeding grounds for termites. However, it’s possible to get a termite infestation even if these elements aren’t present.

Termites In Your HomeTermites In Your Home? Follow the Smell.

Not only can termites do actual structural damage, but they can also cause odor due to their fecal pellets. These fecal pellets also cause discoloration and blisters on your walls, and you may have to replace them completely in order to get rid of the smell and the unsightly stains. Credits: The Trouble with Termites: How Termites Can Ruin Your Home

Termites In Your HomeTermites In Your Home? Look for Mud Tubes.

You can easily identify Eastern subterranean termites by finding mud tubes. These species can survive only underground, as they need high moisture levels to thrive. They build mud tubes to maintain the requisite humidity levels. They use these tunnels to travel back and forth outside of the colony to gain access to wood and to forage for food. They construct the mud tunnel on anything that comes in direct contact with the ground. These tubes are usually between 1/4 to 1 inch wide, and are generally found in basements, the outside foundation of a home, or protruding from cracks between boards and beams.

Termites In Your Home? Look at the wood.

Other signs of a termite invasion include paint bubbles and small holes in wood. Also, when wood has been attached from the underneath, a hollow sound will emanate from the wood once you tap it with a blunt object or hammer. This indicates the presence of termites within the space they have created inside the structural wood. Credits: DIY Termite Control Options – How To Kill Termites Yourself

When termites are present they eat away at the wood rapidly, leaving it rough and hollow, and oftentimes leaving behind mud and dirt. Credits: 4 Easy tips to expel termite | Home Design, Decorating and Interior

Termites In Your HomeTermites In Your Home? Not If You Make Sure They Don’t Get There In the First Place.

We recommend these tips for controlling termites:

  • Seal cracks and holes on the outside of the home including entry points for utilities and pipes.
  • Keep basements, attics and crawl spaces well ventilated and dry.
  • Repair leaking faucets, water pipes and AC units.
  • Repair fascia and soffits and rotted roof shingles. Some termites are drawn to deteriorating wood.
  • Replace weather stripping and repair loose mortar around basement foundation and windows.
  • Store firewood at least 20 feet away from the house and 5 inches off the ground.
  • Routinely inspect the foundation of your home for signs of mud tubes (used by termites to reach a food source), cracked or bubbling paint and wood that sounds hollow when tapped.
  • Direct water away from your house through properly functioning downspouts, gutters and splash blocks.
  • Visit to find a qualified pest professional for additional advice and treatment if necessary.

 Credits: What To Do If You Have Termites – Hulett Pest Control

The most effective way to rid your home of termites is to consult a pest control expert who can help identify the problem and the extent of the damage, rid your home of termites and lay down additional materials to protect against future infestations.

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Value of Termites: What can they teach us?

What can we learn from termites other than how to exterminate them?

Value of TermitesValue of Termites and Our Search for Alternate Forms of Energy reports an interesting study showing that termites evolved complex boireactors 30 mission years ago.

 Image credits: Termites, fungi play more important role in decomposition than

Achieving complete breakdown of plant biomass for energy conversion in industrialized bioreactors remains a complex challenge, but new research shows that termite fungus farmers solved this problem more than 30 million years ago. The new insight reveals that the great success of termite farmers as plant decomposers is due to division of labor between a fungus breaking down complex plant components and gut bacteria contributing enzymes for final digestion. 

Fungus-farming termites are dominant plant decomposers in (sub)tropical Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia, where they in some areas decompose up to 90% of all dead plant material. They achieve near-complete plantdecomposition through intricate multi-stage cooperation between the Termitomyces fungi and gut bacteria, with the termites managing these symbionts by providing gut compartments and nest infrastructure. Researchers at the Centre for Social Evolution, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen and Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI, China) discovered this by analyzing plant decomposition genes in the first genome sequencing of a fungus-farming termite and its fungal crop, and bacterial gut communities. Credits: Termites evolved complex bioreactors 30 million years ago –

Value of TermitesCurrently the major barrier in biomass utilization is the lack of an effective pretreatment of plant cell wall so that the carbohydrates can subsequently be hydrolyzed into sugars for fermentation into fuel or chemical molecules. Termites are highly effective in degrading lignocellulosics and thus can be used as model biological systems for studying plant cell wall degradation. Credits: Advanced biorefinery in lower termite-effect of combined

Termites reproduce by eating only wood with no nutritional value. This is possible because protists and bacteria that live symbiotically in their intestines have their own purposes and are working, helping one another. In other words, termites and symbiotic microbes are teaming up and working as a factory that dissolves wood. Credits: Termite Intestine Expected to Produce Woody Biofuel – Nikkei

Value of TermitesValue of Termites and Understanding Climate Change

Climate change models could have a thing or two to learn from termites and fungi, according to a new study released this week.

For a long time scientists have believed that temperature is the dominant factor in determining the rate of wood decomposition worldwide. Decomposition matters because the speed at which woody material are broken down strongly influences the retention of carbon in forest ecosystems and can help to offset the loss of carbon to the atmosphere from other sources. That makes the decomposition rate a key factor in detecting potential changes to the climate.

But scientists from Yale, the University of Central Florida and SUNY Buffalo State found that fungi and termites, which help break down wood, may play a more significant role in the rate of decomposition than temperature alone. Credits: Termites, fungi, models, and climate change | Watts Up With That?

Value of Termites Ends At Your Doorstep

Bio fuel is great, but do you want the foundation of your home converted into bio fuel? Would you like your basement to become a test study area for climate change?

If you answered no to the above questions, you probably want to make sure termites are not operating in your home.

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Winter Pest Control or “Spring Surprise”?

Winter Pest ControlWhere did they come from?

Why Winter Pest Control?

Most people don’t think about Winter pest control. But the pests are there, just hidden. Actually, the pests Winter and multiply in your nice warm home, and as the weather heats up in the Spring, they emerge from hiding.

With a little Winter pest control, you can avoid the “Spring surprise”. It’s as easy as keeping up with your pest control program, though at a lower level, through the colder Winter months. According to the National Pest Management Association, homeowners need to continue implementing preventive measures throughout the season to ensure no pests will be disturbing them during the holidays, and then later emerging in the Spring.

Winter Pest Control Strategy

A good Winter pest control program starts with creating exclusion steps to keep pests out and eliminating their food sources as well as using chemicals and traps when necessary.  

The first step in your Winter pest control program is to conduct a pre-Winter inspection for entry points as well as schedule times when either you or your bug guy will apply external insect barriers.  Credits: Is Pest Control Necessary In Winter | – Horizon Pest Control

Your Winter pest control program will primarily target pests like German Cockroaches, house mice and brown recluse spiders:

Winter Pest Control for German Cockroaches

Winter Pest ControlGerman cockroaches get inside your home by hitchhiking on grocery bags, boxes and furniture. Anything that you bring to your house, especially those that you bought from second hand sources, may contain German cockroaches. So you will need to very carefully inspect them before bringing them inside your home. With regards to grocery bags and boxes, you may opt to open them outside your home.

What makes German cockroaches dangerous is their ability to easily spread bacteria, human pathogens and allergens by contaminating your food. Also, it has been reported that they could also trigger an allergy attack and even aggravate asthma symptoms in children.

Winter pest control measures involve keeping your kitchens and bathrooms clean and dry. Do not leave leftover food or spilled crumbs on the floor or kitchen counters over night. And always dispose your garbage properly and regularly.

Winter Pest Control for House mice

Winter Pest ControlThese are the common mice that you often see scurrying around the house. They like to take shelter in dark and secluded areas of the house. So if you want to see where they’re hiding, you’d better check the basement and the attic. You’ll want to get rid of house mice as soon as you realize they’re sheltering with you because of the damage they can do to your home and belongings, as well as the risk they’re placing on you and your family’s health. Keep in mind that house mice are known to spread diseases including Salmonella and tapeworms by contaminating your food.

For effective Winter pest control, conduct an overall home inspection and look for any gaps or holes. Tightly seal these cracks and holes. You may opt to use caulk and steel wool to seal them. You also want to keep your garage, basement, and attic free of clutter as these could serve as great hiding places for mice.

Winter Pest ControlWinter Pest Control for Brown Recluse Spiders

You will often find these spiders inside your closet, attic, crawl spaces, basement, and any other secluded area inside your home. Aside from these, they are also often found inside boxes, in clothes and shoes that you seldom use, and along window moldings.

What makes brown recluse spiders dangerous is their venom, so don’t disturb them when you see them or you could end up being bitten.

Winter pest control measures that will help keep these spiders away from your home involve keeping trees and shrubs trimmed. Make sure no branches or limbs reach your home or overhang your roof. You should also store unused clothes and shoes in tightly sealed containers. You can opt to use plastic or clear containers so it will be easy for you to see inside the container without opening it and sealing it back. Credits: Start Early With Your Winter Pest Control | AAA Pest Control Myrtle

A good Winter pest control program will help you avoid a “Spring surprise”. Conduct a pre-Winter inspection, and keep up with your pest control efforts even if it appears that everything is under control. We suggest a pre and mid-Winter professional pest control visit and application. This will give you a head start in the Spring as well as keep you and your family safe and secure during the colder winter months.

Winter Pest Control Help

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Winter Rodent Pest Control Inspection Checklist

Winter Rodent Pest Control Inspection Checklist: The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) recognizes November 16-22 as Rodent Awareness Week. Why devote an entire week to educating the public on rodent awareness? And why in late November?

Winter rodent pest control becomes an issue beginning in later November when rodents are likely to be seeking a warm place to ride out the Winter, and that warm place may be your home!

Winter Rodent Pest Control Inspection ChecklistWhy Winter Rodent Pest Control?

Winter rodent pest control is important because rodents are carriers of a vast array of diseases, such as Salmonella, murine typhus, infectious jaundice, rat-bite fever and the potentially fatal Hantavirus. They can also chew through drywall, insulation, wood and electrical wiring, increasing the potential risk for fires. 


Winter Rodent Pest Control Inspection ChecklistYour Winter Rodent Pest Control Checklist

Check your home for these 5 signs of a possible rodent invasion:

  1. Droppings: A trail of rodent droppings is typically found in kitchen cabinets and pantries, along walls, on top of wall studs or beams, and in boxes, bags and old furniture.
  2. Noises: Rodents often make scurrying sounds, especially at night, as they move about and nest.
  3. Gnaw marks: New gnaw marks tend to be rough to the touch and are light colored.
  4. Burrows: Inside, rodents often nest in various materials such as insulation, and they are drawn to areas that are dark and secluded.
  5. Damaged food packages: House mice prefer to feed on cereals and seeds, while Norway rats prefer meat, fish and dry dog food. Credits: Hulett Environmental Services encourages public awareness of

House Mouse Pest ControlWinter Rodent Pest Control Most Wanted List

House Mouse

House mice are gray or brown rodents with relatively large ears and small eyes. An adult weighs about 1/2 ounce and is about 5 1/2 to 7 1/2 inches long, including the 3 to 4 inch tail.

Although house mice usually feed on cereal grains, they will eat many kinds of food. They eat often, nibbling bits of food here and there. Mice have keen senses of taste, hearing, smell and touch. They are excellent climbers and can run up any rough vertical surface. They will run horizontally along wire cables or ropes and can jump up 13 inches from the floor onto a flat surface. They can slip through a crack that a pencil will fit into (sightly larger than 1/4 inch in diameter).

Your Winter rodent pest control most wanted list begins with the house mouse because in a single year, a female may have five to 10 litters of usually five or six young each. Young are born 19 to 21 days after mating, and they are mature in six to 10 weeks. The life span of a mouse is about nine to 12 months. This breeding activity can continue throughout the Winter.

Roof Rats Pest ControlRats

Norway rats are husky, brownish rodents that weigh about 11 ounces. They are about 13 to 18 inches long including the 6 to 8 1/2 inch tail. Their fur is coarse and mostly brown with scattered black on the upper surfaces. The underside is typically grey to yellowish-white.

Rats will eat nearly any type of food, but they prefer high-quality foods such as meat and fresh grain. Rats require 1/2 to 1 fluid ounce of water daily when feeding on dry food. Rats have keen taste, hearing and sense of smell. They will climb to find food or shelter, and they can gain entrance to a building through any opening larger than 1/2 inch across.

Your Winter rodent pest control most wanted list contains rats because, like the house mouse, they are active breeders. Rats have litters of 6 to 12 young, which are born 21 to 23 days after mating. Young rats reach reproductive maturity in about three months. Breeding is most active in spring and fall, and the more abundant the Winter food source, the more energy they have to breed. The average female has four to six litters per year. Rats can live for up to 18 months, but most die before they are one year old.

Exterminate Moles - ApolloX Pest ControlVoles

Our Winter rodent pest control list has a final character, the vole. Most people go their whole lives without ever so much as hearing about voles, let alone controlling them. Voles are sometimes referred to as “meadow mice” or “field mice.” They construct well-defined, visible tunnels, or “runways” at or near the surface, about two inches wide. Vole runways result from the voles eating the grass blades, as well as from the constant traffic of numerous little feet beating over the same path. And if any lawn and garden pest can literally “beat a path” through the grass due to their sheer numbers, it’s the voles. Rabbits don’t have anything over this prolific rodent! They can cause a lot of damage to your landscape. Credits: Mice, Rats and Voles – Omaha Pest Control, Inc

Why not celebrate Rodent Awareness Week this year by initiating a Winter rodent pest control program.

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(888) 499-7378