Pavement Ants In Your School? Why Take Action Now?

Pavement Ants In Your School? Where do they live?

Pavement Ants In Your SchoolThose tiny black to brown ants, barely 1/8 inch long called pavement ants thrive in their nests under driveways, patios, sidewalks and slab-constructed buildings.

Learn how quickly they can multiply, and how to “ant-proof” a building.

Pavement Ants In Your School? What attracts them?

In the Spring, pavement ants are a particular nuisance in schools where there are lots food sources from the cafeteria, vending machines, waste containers, student lunch sacks and boxes, and food or food containers discarded by students in hidden corners that might not be discovered for weeks–at least by humans.

Those tiny pavement ants have an uncanny inner “food scent radar”, and will find the food sources long before they are discovered by even the most experienced, skilled school custodial team.

Pavement Ants In Your School? What’s at risk?

Pavement Ants In Your SchoolAs the ants move about, they can contaminate children’s lunch boxes and even the school cafeteria. Once they’ve crawled from their hidden spaces on and under the floor, then all over our children’s food and food containers, it’s a bit like the children are now eating off the floor!

It’s no wonder that colds, flues and other sickness seems to spread rapidly in a school environment, then back home to the family. The pavement ants are helping make this possible. 

Pavement Ants In Your School? Is even the best custodial team up to the challenge?

Schools can take all the most stringent measures against the pavement ant invasion. Custodial teams can clean everything down daily. We suggest they also wipe surfaces down with vinegar–an odor that repels pavement ants. Yet, no custodial team can ensure that every hidden, discarded bit of food is located and eliminated.

Cafeteria staff can tightly seal all food in ant-proof containers, however, it doesn’t take much to attract the ants.

Grounds staff can strive to locate and eliminate every visible pavement ant colony under the surrounding sidewalks, asphalt slabs, in the foundational cracks of an aging school structure. In some cases applying a pesticide to an outdoor pavement ant colony may make the colony look as if it has disappeared when, in fact, it’s actually driven the colony into the school!

Pavement Ants In Your School? What constitutes adequate protection for children and school staff? 

pavement ants in your schoolAdequate protection of our children from pavement ants and the disease they carry requires a licensed professional exterminator. A professional exterminator has the experience and the tools to locate and safely eliminate the source of the pavement ants.

In addition, a licensed professional represents a new set of eyes, from outside the organization, inspecting the school building, grounds, classrooms, offices, break rooms, gym, waste containers and cafeteria for hidden food sources that will attract pavement ants. The pest control expert can even help create or review school building and grounds policy where it speaks to conditions that could attract pavement ants and other pests.

Pavement Ants In Your School? Contact a licensed pest control professional.

When a school calls a licensed pest control professional, it’s a sound investment in our children’s health and future. If it helps eliminate even a small portion of student and teacher absences due to illness, is it not worthwhile?

Call ApolloX Pest Control

(888) 499-7378

Licensed, professional pest control for schools, restaurants, commercial buildings and homes. 

Wasp Extermination Timing – Best Time to Kill Wasps

Wasp Extermination Timing – Many Sightings On Warm Spring Days

Wasp Extermination Timing We get a lot of calls during the Spring months from home owners concerned about wasps. They sighted one or more wasps on their property and wonder if it’s time to take action. When it comes to wasps, as with other pests, timing is critical, so it’s always a good idea to call the experts when there’s a question.

So, let’s discuss the best timing for wasp control measures.

What are those early Spring arrivals up to? A lot of times when its unseasonably warm outside in the mid-spring, like maybe 15-20 degrees above normal, wasps are scattered about and looking feverishly to make a nest. They really haven’t established their nest yet so there’s no hard target for wasp control measures.

Wasp Extermination Timing – What Are They Up To In the Spring?

Wasp Extermination TimingWasps start a new nest every year. When you see them flying around in early – mid Spring, these are the potential Queens looking to make a nest.

It’s important to wait for wasps to establish a nest.

Then we’ll have a hard target. We can take care of the wasp nest at that time.

Wasp nests are usually established around mid-June to early July, depending on the weather. It’s very important to take care of the nest at that time…

…because a nest left to it’s own devices will spawn multiple queens, each of which will over-Winter and emerge next Spring looking to establish a nest of her own! Note that each of these nests can eventually contain 5000 or more wasps!

Wasp Extermination Timing – You May Be Observing Honey Bees

Wasp Extermination TimingNow, let’s go back to those early – mid Spring sightings. It’s possible that it’s not a wasp. Look closely. It might be honey bees. This is an entirely different situation. In the case of honey bees, we’ll need to have a bee keeper come out and try and extract the Queen from the nest, and remove the nest out of your house. With the bees removed, the next step will be to remove the honey, which could attract other pests.

Wasp Extermination Timing – Call the Experts

If you see numerous stinging insects on your property or in your home, it’s best to call the experts.

Call ApolloX Pest Control

(888) 499-7378

Stop Pavement Ants In Their Tracks – 7 Battle Tactics

Stop Pavement Ants – It Happened So Fast

Stop Pavement AntsThe other night before bed, out of the corner of my eye I saw a tiny black spot on the kitchen floor that caught my attention. Instinctively, my focus was attracted to that spot because it was moving! Upon closer observation, it became clear that this was a little black ant. “How cute”, I thought, as I continued on to bed.

The next morning as I entered the kitchen, no lie, there were over 1000 of the little black specks hurrying about on the kitchen floor, making a bee-line to the stove and disappearing underneath. Actually, it was a two-lane ant highway going to and from the stove. Not so cute anymore.

stop pavement antsI quickly did the math: If 1 tiny black ant + 8 hours = 1000+ tiny black ants undertaking a massive highway project in my kitchen, then 1000+ tiny black ants + another 8 hours could become 1 million ants established in their own thriving new major metro area in the kitchen. Now it was sounding a bit science fiction. This meant war.

Stop Pavement Ants – Where do you start?

Upon doing a little research, I found that pavement ants are pretty much attracted to all the food I love. My kitchen must seem to them like a pavement ant superstore! They have an extremely keen sense of smell and so can detect the slightest odor of food.

Stop Pavement Ants – First battle tactic.

stop pavement antsIt’s clear, then that my first line of defense against this invasion was to eliminate even the slightest food odor from my kitchen. Wow! Not so easy as it sounds. I’d need to begin by thoroughly cleaning EVERYTHING. This meant, the entire inside of the refrigerator, pulling out the refrigerator and discovering everything that’s been hiding there over the years–yuk! Same with the oven–inside, outside, underneath. Then the dishwasher, the floor, all the hidden cracks.

Stop Pavement Ants – Second battle tactic.

“If no odor of food is neutral” thought I, “why not escalate the battle by providing a repellant odor?” Is there an odor that pavement ants hate, despise, makes them want to get as far away as possible? Back to the books. And, victory! There is not one, but many odors that pavement ants hate:

Peppermint oil, lemon juice, crumbled bay leaves, mint, cinnamon, citrus, cloves, cayenne pepper, onion, orange oil mixed with vinegar and rubbing alcohol, coffee grounds, sage, catnip, cucumber peel, white pepper, Windex, and chalk. Credits: Preventing Pavement Ants in Your Home | Colonial Pest Control

“That’s what I’m talking about!”, I thought. I’ll not just clean everything, but rub it down with orange oil mixed with vinegar.

Stop Pavement Ants – Third battle tactic.

But wait! I missed something important. Pavement ants have a keen, uncanny sense of smell. Yes, they’ll sniff out any food crumbs where ever they might be. But even after everything has been thoroughly cleaned, the scent of food continues to come from any unsealed containers. Consider that bag of dog food, those cereal boxes in the cabinet, the flour and sugar bags, the pancake syrup container that has a slight drip at the spout. All are huge welcome signs to pavement ants.

So, my next line of defense will be to seal all food so tightly in containers that absolutely no odor of food can escape to welcome the pavement ants. I’ll use Tupperware or Ziploc.

Stop Pavement Ants – Fourth battle tactic.

Now I’m going to take the battle to their territory, outside the house. I’ll keep the trash can tightly sealed, and move it further away from the house. I’ll also trim back any tree branches or bushes that are touching the house (these could be pavement ant highways into the house). I’ll make a thorough inspection of my home’s exterior and seal up even the tiniest crack where pavement ants might find an entrance (window seals, the foundation…etc.)

Stop Pavement Ants – Fifth battle tactic.

I just found there are plants that actually repel pavement ants. Mint is a big one, and grows so rapidly, it will be easy to plant around the house.

In addition, during the hottest days of the Summer, when pavement ants are looking to escape to a cooler place like my house, I’ll spray a hose around the outside of my home. Pavement ants will not cross over water.

Stop Pavement Ants – Sixth battle tactic.

Remember that first ant that I discovered the evening before there were over 1,000 in my kitchen. Here’s the way it works: That ant was a scout. He discovered a food source, then created a scent trail to the source. The next 999 ants honed in on that trail right into my kitchen! The moral of the story: If you see a pavement ant scout, kill it immediately, before it has a chance to send the coordinates to the home colony!

Stop Pavement Ants – Seventh battle tactic.

I’m exhausted just thinking of all the things I need to do to stop these pavement ants in their tracks. Time to call in a professional trained soldier who stops pavement ants for a living:

Calling ApolloX Pest Control

(888) 499-7378


Napoleon Hill 14 Habits of Exceptionally Likable People

Napoleon Hill 14 Habits – In his book, “The Science of Success”, Napoleon Hill identifies 14 habits of people who are so likable that others will go out of their way to help them. These habits led to his own success, and Napoleon Hill is best known for his blockbuster book, “Think and Grow Rich”. His business philosophy has helped numerous entrepreneurs and corporate leaders to extraordinary success since it’s publication in 1937.

Image credits for images below:

Napoleon Hill 14 Habits #1

Napoleon Hill 14 HabitsDevelop a positive mental attitude.

Let it be seen and felt by others.

14 Habits #2

Napoleon Hill 14 HabitsAlways speak in a carefully disciplined, friendly tone.

Napoleon Hill 14 Habits #3

Napoleon Hill 14 HabitsPay close attention to someone speaking to you

14 Habits #4

Napoleon Hill 14 HabitsBe able to maintain your composure in all circumstances

Napoleon Hill 14 Habits #5

Napoleon Hill 14 HabitsBe patient.

14 Habits #6

Napoleon Hill 14 HabitsKeep an open mind.

Napoleon Hill 14 Habits #7

Napoleon Hill 14 HabitsSmile when speaking with others.

14 Habits #8

Napoleon Hill 14 HabitsKnow that not all your thoughts need to be expressed.

Napoleon Hill 14 Habits #9

Napoleon Hill 14 HabitsDon’t procrastinate.

14 Habits #10

Napoleon Hill 14 HabitsEngage in at least one good deed each day.

Napoleon Hill 14 Habits #11

Napoleon Hill 14 HabitsFind a lesson in failure, rather than brood over it.

14 Habits #12

Napoleon Hill 14 HabitsAct as if the person you are speaking to is the most important person in the world.

Napoleon Hill 14 Habits #13

Napoleon Hill 14 HabitsPraise others in a genuine way without being excessive.

14 Habits #14

Napoleon Hill 14 HabitsHave someone you trust point out your flaws.



For pest control service that observes these 14 habits…

Call ApolloX Pest Control

(888) 499-7378

Termite Prevention Tips – Don’t Host A New Colony

Termite Prevention Tips: Why Prevention?

Termite Prevention TipsAs they say, “An ounce off prevention is worth a pound of cure.” It’s far easier to prevent a termite problem than cure one. Termites, once established, if left to their own devices, will bring the entire house down. They’re just doing their job, which is to break down dead wood so that it can decompose back into the soil. You just don’t want them doing that to your home!

Image Credits: How to Prevent Termite Problems – Green Pest Solutions

Termite Prevention Tips: They All Have One Thing in Common

Termites love warm, moist decomposing wood. All the termite prevention tips in this article are basically saying the same thing: “Make sure that there is no warm, moist decomposing wood in or around your home. If there is, termites are likely to eventually find it, move in and finish the job.”

Remember that every Spring the termite’s reproductive winged versions emerge and swarm, then disperse far and wide looking for ideal conditions in which to create their next termite colony. If a few of these small winged bugs get into or around your home and find moist wood, that’s all they need to successfully multiply!

Termite Prevention TipsTermite Prevention Tips: Here are 5 of the Most Important 

These 5 specific measures will help ensure the next termite colony does not make its home inside your home.

  • Move Firewood Away – The most important strategy for preventing termites is to move any wet wood away from the home. An example is firewood. Firewood should be as far away from the home as possible, as it is the most popular food for termites and will attract them to your home.
  • Consider Moisture Control – Inside of your home, you need to control your moisture, especially in areas that retain moisture and have wood the termites might enjoy. Consider a dehumidifier in attics, basements, and garages if those areas have excess moisture. Divert downspouts away from your home and clean out gutters to improve drainage. Image Credits: 5 Things You Should Be Doing To Prevent Termites in Your Home
  • Trim/Remove/Monitor Old Trees – Much like with firewood, termites will look for the most delicious meals first before moving on to your home. If you have an old tree, make sure it’s trimmed or removed. If you don’t want to remove it, watch it closely for signs of termites.
  • Keep Space Between Plants, Water, and Home – It’s also recommended that you keep all plants and water as far from the home as possible. Make sure your gutters and drains are working and consider non-edible landscaping around your home.Credits: How to Prevent Termite Problems – Green Pest Solutions
  • Clear Mulch away from your foundation. Leave at least 4 inches between the mulch and your foundation due to the moisture and temperature created by mulch–ideal conditions for termites.

Termite Prevention Tips: Final Suggestion

Schedule a professional home termite inspection once yearly.

Call ApolloX Pest Control

(888) 499-7378

Termites Create Fertile Soil, Promote Growth of Vegetation

Termites Create Fertile Soil – Slow the Spread of Deserts

Termites Create Fertile SoilIn recent years there’s been a lot of talk about the spread of the earth’s deserts. Areas that had at one time been lush and green are becoming barren wastelands–and this action seems to be accelerating worldwide.

Curiously, an insect feared by homeowners, the termite, may be part of a solution to desertification.

“New research published in the journal Science suggests that termite nests are crucial to stopping the spread of deserts. In the parched grasslands and savannas of Africa, South America, and Asia, termite mounds store nutrients and moisture, and — via internal tunnels — allow water to better penetrate the soil. As a result, vegetation flourishes on and near termite mounds in ecosystems that are otherwise highly vulnerable to desertification.

Image Credits: Termites May Help to Prevent Desertification – Entomology Today

Termites Create Fertile Soil “The vegetation on and around termite mounds persists longer and declines slower,” said corresponding author Corina Tarnita. “Because termites allow water to penetrate the soil better, the plants grow on or near the mounds as if there were more rain. Even when you get to such harsh conditions where vegetation disappears from the mounds, re-vegetation is still easier. As long as the mounds are there, the ecosystem has a better chance to recover.” Credits: Termites May Help to Prevent Desertification – Entomology Today

Termites Create Fertile Soil – There job is to break wood down so it can be used as fertilizer.

Termites are one of the few species have the ability to break down materials that contain cellulose, like dead trees. The microorganisms that live within their gut allow them to digest the wood.

Image Credits: Getting to Know Subterranean Termites » sugarlandexterminating

Termites Create Fertile Soil – But do you want that to happen to your home?

Leave them to their own devices, and termites will over time help your property to return to its original condition before your home was built! They’ll weaken the foundation and actually bring your home down. More homes are destroyed annually due to termite damage than to fires.

Termites Create Fertile Soil – What conditions attract them?

Termites are attracted especially to moist wood. For this reason, your first line of defense is to properly ventilate your home’s crawl spaces and wall voids.

Termites Create Fertile Soil – How to recognize the presence of termites.

Termites In Your HomeOne of the clearest warnings of a termite infestation is the little mud tunnel they create from the soil to the wooden structure of your home. The most common species of termite in the Northeast is the Subterranean Termite. This species prefers to remain hidden in moist soil or wood–thus the tunnels.

Termites Create Fertile Soil – What to do if you spot their tunnels under your home?

Don’t leave a termite problem unattended. While they might be valuable in the savannas of Africa, they’re literally converting your home back to nature!

Take action immediately.

Call ApolloX Pest Control.

(888) 499-7378 

Pavement Ants In Our Food Supply

Pavement Ants In Our Food Supply: Check Around Your Pantry

pavement ants in our food supplyPerhaps the most successful species of ant in areas where humans live is the pavement ant. They’re the tiny dark brown–nearly black–ants you see crawling about cracks in your walkway or home foundation in huge numbers.

The first indication you have a pavement ant problem might be when you see a few ants around the base of your refrigerator or  kitchen counter where you left a few crumbs of food. The next day there are hundreds of them. Follow their neat pathway, and you may discover where thousands are emerging from their nest, perhaps under a concrete slab.

Pavement Ants In Our Food Supply: Endless Multipliers

The key is that these ants won’t just disappear on their own. They seem to have the ability to endlessly multiply as long as there is a food source, and they love just about everything we humans eat.

Image Credits: Pavement Ants have Highest Level of Carbon-13 | newsmaine

“Eating human food could be an advantage for the pavement ants, allowing them to thrive in areas where their natural diet of dead insects and things might not be so prevalent”, said Clint Penick, a post-doctoral fellow at North Carolina State University.

Image Credits: Pavement Ants having Taste for Human food more than any other

“Humans bring a ton of general resources,” he said. “The species that can take advantage of these resources the best, sort of wins.”

Image Credits: Ant Control Services in Idaho at Brax Pest Control |

Tests on insects collected from pavements and traffic islands in Manhattan show that their bodies contain the molecular fingerprint of junk food. Credits: New York pavement ants have taste of human food says Study | The

Pavement Ants In Our Food Supply: First Line of Defense

So, the first line of defense is to keep everything very clean. Clean all food particles and residue under tables, counters, under your refrigerator, on the floor under and behind your stove–all those hard to reach places. Your goal is that all food in any form is only to be found in tightly sealed containers. Know that pavement ants have the ability to penetrate cereal boxes and sugar sacks that seem neatly sealed, so you’ll need strong ant-proof containers like Tupperware and Ziploc.

Pavement Ants In Our Food SupplyPavement Ants In Our Food Supply: Finding the Nest

Look around your home or business for small piles of super fine gravel–larger than sand, looking like tiny rocks. Unlike the carpenter ant, the pavement ant doesn’t burrow into wood, and is not likely to damage a structure. However, they can eventually undermine walkways, causing them to crack.

Image Credits: Pavement ants develop taste for human food | The Silver Ink

Pavement Ants In Our Food Supply: Don’t Inadvertently Drive Them Indoors

So you’ve found the nest. The first natural thought is to spray it with an over the counter spray you found at your local home improvement center or grocery store. This may just end up driving them indoors!

Image Credits: Pavement Ants — A Serious Summer Problem – Ransford Pest Control

Pavement Ants In Our Food Supply: Call the Professionals

Pavement ants can be very persistent and aggressive. If you notice a colony in or near your home, it’s best to call a professional exterminator.

Call ApolloX Pest Control

(888) 499-7378

Mediterranean Flour Moth Infestation – How it happens

Mediterranean Flour Moth Infestation – The culprit

Mediterranean Flour Moth InfestationThe adult Mediterranean flour moth has grey fore-wings with some dark zigzag markings, and the hind wing is light grey to beige. It is distinct in its stance as it raises the front of its body, giving the wings a downward slope.  The larva is white to pink in color with a brown head.The Mediterranean flour moth infests flour, cereals, bran, beans, biscuits, nuts, chocolates, dried foods and many other food stuffs. Credits: Mediterranean Flour Moth – A and H Pest Control

Mediterranean Flour Moth Infestation – Typical Scenario

Let’s say you have dog food stored in a sealed plastic bag or the kind of dog food bag found in the pet section of your grocer. You bring it home and store it away in a cupboard. The Mediterranean flour moth can easily burrow through such a bag, even when it’s tightly sealed. In fact, it may have been there in the first place. 

One moth can lay as many as 116-678 eggs inside the bag (we wonder who counts the eggs to come up with such exact numbers). Within 3-5 days you have up to 678 Mediterranean flour moth larvae crawling about, growing to maturity, capable of further multiplying their population in just 4-6 weeks. Next stop…459,684 moths! Do the math: 3 months later, third generation, you could have… what’s 459,684 X 678??!! 

Mediterranean Flour Moth Infestation – Alfred Hitchcock Scenario

But wait, it could be worse. Imagine that a mouse chews its way into that same dog food bag and begins to transport dog food into a wall void for safe keeping. One moth locates the mouse food storage area and lays her 678 eggs there. 459,684 little moths arrive in the next generation. Again, 3 months later there are as many as 312 million Mediterranean flour moths. Since this is all happening in a hidden, inaccessible area of your home, all you see is a growing number of Mediterranean flour moths fluttering about. Things are beginning to look a bit Alfred Hitchcock!

Mediterranean Flour Moth Infestation – What to do?

Act Immediately: The first rule is that, since time is NOT on your side, don’t leave this situation untreated. If you see one Mediterranean flour moth in your home, you may be just 3 months away from “moth Armageddon”.

Immediately dispose of all food items that show any evidence of moth habitation. “If in doubt, throw it out.” Then vacuum and scrub every cabinet in the kitchen, and possibly in other rooms if there is evidence of moths. Be a good detective and clean even the smallest crevice and crack. 

These moths are so persistent, even the most thorough cleaning can still be unsuccessful. They can hide in the outer folds of a dog food bag or flour bag. They can hide in the tiniest cracks in your cupboard, or even in the holes that make up those movable cupboard shelves.

One report has a homeowner having to actually repaint his entire kitchen before eradicating the moths!

Mediterranean Flour Moth Infestation – Aftermath

So, let’s assume you have conquered the problem. Don’t let yourself become too overconfident. Keep checking for the next two months to be sure.

Don’t risk another infestation. Thoroughly inspect all food you bring into your home. Be aware of the expiration date. Watch especially the specialty grains.

Store all food in tightly sealed containers. Remember that these moths can bore holes in paper, cardboard or even thin plastic. Plan accordingly.

And, don’t store food for longer than a few weeks, unless it’s in a solid, air-tight, moth-proof container. Dispose of any food that has reached its expiration date.

“After thoroughly cleaning the pantry, use pheromone traps to stop any lingering moth problems. The traps use the female pheromone to lure the male moth to the trap where it becomes stuck. Other moth traps are the glass trap and the suppressing trap. The glass trap uses pheromones and water in the container to drown the pantry moth. Suppressing traps use both male and female pheromones and a glue strip.” Credits: How to Solve a Pantry Moth Problem |

These may seem like radical measures, but the cost of eradicating an active Mediterranean flour moth infestation can be far greater than the cost of prevention.

Mediterranean Flour Moth Infestation – Ask for help.

Make your moth problem go away the easy way.

Call ApolloX Pest Control

(888) 499-7378

Indian Meal Moth Pantry Moths – Identify, Eradicate

Indian Meal Moth Pantry Moths – How do they get into your home?

Pantry Moth ExterminationIf you find pantry moths in your home and in your stored food, it’s not an indication that you did something wrong or are a poor housekeeper. Don’t beat yourself up!

The indian meal moth most likely hitched a ride into your home in the form of tiny eggs that were present in food you purchased. The eggs later hatched, the larvae consumed the food, grew to maturity, then deposited eggs elsewhere in your home. Now you have an Indian Meal Moth infestation.

Indian Meal Moth Pantry Moths – Foods they infest.

Here are some examples of foods that may be hiding Indian meal moth eggs.

  • Powdered milk
  • Nuts
  • Dried herbs
  • Pet food
  • Candy
  • Pasta
  • Dried fruit
  • Flours and meals
  • Cereals and grains
  • Bird seed

As you can see, Indian Meal Moth eggs can be found in a wide variety of foods.

Indian Meal Moth Pantry Moths – Signs of An Infestation:

Pantry Moth ExterminationThose small moths flying around your kitchen lights at night are likely pantry moths–especially if your doors and windows were closed, so they most possibly came from inside the house.

Do you notice small collections of tightly bunched webs along the top of your kitchen cabinets? These may be Indian Meal Moth cocoons.

Then, there are the tiny worm-like larvae. They can grow to over a half inch long and are off-white in color with black or brown heads. You might notice them on walls, close to the ceiling. They’re seeking a place to create a cocoon and turn into an adult egg-laying Indian Meal Moth.

Finally, and most obvious, you open a package of any of the foods on the list above. Inside the package you notice the small larvae, or little clumps of webs, or larvae skins. Now, if the package is not tightly sealed, you can assume the larvae exited and found a place to create a cocoon, transform to an adult, and lay eggs.

Indian Meal Moth Pantry Moths – How to keep them out of your home.

Indian Meal Moth Pantry MothsAny of the types of food listed above that are not stored in air-tight containers or in the refrigerator need to be used up within 3 weeks. In short, don’t store food for longer than 3 weeks in open, exposed containers. This includes pet food (one of the biggest culprits).

In fact, even food stored in a sealed container for long periods of time can end up with little critters. We once discovered little things crawling about in a completely sealed, unopened plastic canister of protein powder purchased over a year ago and forgotten in the back of a cupboard.

Never keep food past its expiration date. It’s just not worth it.

Indian Meal Moth Pantry Moths – How to eradicate an infestation.

The fact that you’re reading this article may indicate that you already have an Indian Meal Moth infestation and just want to know how to get rid of the moths. Here are some ideas:

Immediately dispose of any food you think might contain Indian Meal Moth eggs or larvae. If you bought two packages of the same type of food on the same day from the same grocer and find one is infested, it might be wise to dispose of both. Don’t take chances.

Empty, and thoroughly clean every cupboard where you store food. Vacuum them, wash them down, and throw away the vacuum bag–outside of the house.

Empty your kitchen garbage container and thoroughly scrub it down.

Wipe down everything with white vinegar (add a few drops of essential oil like peppermint, citronella, eucalyptus or tea tree). You can also place bay leaves on your cupboard shelves and in flour and grain containers. This repels moths.

Continue to monitor your home for the presence of pantry moths and follow the simple preventative measures in the previous section.

Indian Meal Moth Pantry Moths – Want help?

Wouldn’t be great to walk into your home and know there are no pantry moths – and you didn’t need to lift a finger?

We’ll take care of the entire problem FOR you, and even inspect your home for the presence of other pests.

Call ApolloX Pest Control

(888) 499-7378

Powderpost Beetle Quick Facts – Spot, Take Action

Powderpost Beetle Quick Facts – Species

  • Several hundred species (the list is growing due to continuing introduction of foreign wood into the U.S.)
  • Three species are most common in the U.S. (Lyctid, Anobiid, Bostrichid)
