Bald Faced Hornet Control – Identification
Bald faced hornets look like yellow jackets with white stripes instead of yellow stripes. They build a paper nest that is pear-shaped and grows to the size of a basket ball. There’s an entrance hole near the bottom of the nest.
Bald Faced Hornet Control – Where nests are likely to exist.
You’re most likely to find a bald faced hornet nest in a hollow tree, a chimney, a wall cavity, in the soffits overhanging the side of your home at the edge of your roof, and similar protected areas.
Bald Faced Hornet Control – An ounce of prevention…
Since we’re into the month of June, you’ve missed the opportunity to prevent bald faced hornets this year. The best time to prevent bald faced hornets is in the fall. In the fall Queens are seeking a place to hibernate, then emerge the next year to create a new colony. If you see hornets congregating near your home in the fall, spray them immediately with hornet and wasp spray.
Bald Faced Hornet Control – When is it time?
Sometime during the month of June the queen will have established her colony, yet the colony is still relatively small. This is the best time of year to control bald faced hornets–before the nest grows to basketball size later in the summer with thousands of hornets.
The ideal situation is a night when the temperature is below 50 degrees F. The hornets are less active at night, and have trouble flying in temperatures below 50.
Bald Faced Hornet Control – how to get rid of white faced hornet nest
Generally, if you leave bald faced hornets alone, they’ll leave you alone. They actually perform a valuable function helping rid an area of pests. However, if you or someone in the family is allergic to hornet stings, you may not want to take chances.
Here’s what to do: Direct a stream of wasp and hornet spray toward the entrance hole near the bottom of the nest. Continue to spray until the can is empty. This will take about a minute. If the nest is large, have a back-up can–the job may take both cans.
Make sure the spray is labeled specifically for wasp and hornet control. Other insect sprays are not designed for this task, and if you use them you may end up getting stung multiple times! Test the spray stream first, realizing that the accurate spraying distance given on the label may be further by as much as 50% than the actual accurate spraying distance you experience. You want the spray to enter the nest hole with a full force stream (before the distance at which the spray would begin to weaken and scatter).
Remember, the ideal time is a cool night. Don’t try to do this during a hot summer day! Wear multiple layers of loose clothing, leather gloves and a large brimmed hat with netting over it. Tape all the openings. Imagine angry hornets emerging from the nest–you don’t want them to have access to any bare skin!
Ensure that there are no other people, children or pets anywhere near the nest before you begin spraying. Also, have an open route of escape if things go wrong. You’ll need to be able get at least 100 yards away (length of a football field) which is the distance angry hornets have been known to pursue their target.
After spraying the nest, wait a week before removing the nest to ensure that there is no activity.
Bald Faced Hornet Control – Get help.
Unlike bees, which can only sting once, Bald Faced Hornets can sting many times. There is no way we can guarantee your safety, even if you take all of the above precautions.
If you want the ensure you do not get stung, and especially if you’re allergic to bee stings, seek professional help.
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