Pest Activity Trends – Peak Months for Each Pest

Pest Activity Trends by Month

What to learn from these charts? See the documentation below.

Bed Bugs Pest Activity Trends by Month in Stamford, CT 2013-2014

Bed bugs increase in February, peak in May and drop off in September.

Bed Bugs Pest Activity Trends by Month for Stamford CT 2013 - 2014

Carpenter Ants Activity Trends by Month in Stamford, CT 2013-2014

Carpenter Ants increase in March, peak in May and drop off in September.

Carpenter Ants Pest Activity Trends by Month for Stamford CT 2013 - 2014

Carpenter Bees Pest Activity Trends by Month in Stamford, CT 2014-2015

Carpenter bees begin to become active in April, peak in May and then gradually decline until they drop off of the radar in October.

Pest Activity Trends for Carpenter Bees

Powderpost Beetles Pest Activity Trends by Month in Stamford, CT 2013-2014

Powderpost beetles increase in April, peak in May an drop off in September.

powderpost beetles google searches by month in Stamford, Ct 04-07-2015

Moths Pest Activity Trends by Month in Stamford, CT 2013-2014

Moths increase in April, peak in May and drop off in November.

Moths Pest Activity Trends by Month for Stamford CT 2013 - 2014

Pavement Ants Activity Trends by Month in Stamford, CT 2013-2014

Pavement Ants increase in March, peak in May and drop off in October.

Pavement Ants Pest Activity Trends by Month for Stamford CT 2013 - 2014

Snakes Pest Activity Trends by Month in Stamford, CT 2013-2014

Snakes increase in March, peak in May and drop off in October.

Snakes Pest Activity Trends by Month for Stamford CT 2013 - 2014

Termites Activity Trends by Month in Stamford, CT 2013-2014

Termites increase in March, peak in May and drop off in November.

Termites Pest Activity Trends by Month for Stamford CT 2013 - 2014

Moles Pest Activity Trends by Month in Stamford, CT 2013-2014

Moles increase in May, peak in July and drop off in November.

Moles Pest Activity Trends by Month for Stamford CT 2013 - 2014

Bees Activity Trends by Month in Stamford, CT 2013-2014

Bees increase in April, peak in July and drop off in November.

Bees Pest Activity Trends by Month for Stamford CT 2013 - 2014

Cockroaches Pest Activity Trends by Month in Stamford, CT 2013-2014

Cockroaches increase in May, peak in July and drop off in December.

Cockroaches Pest Activity Trends by Month for Stamford CT 2013 - 2014

Hornets Activity Trends by Month in Stamford, CT 2013-2014

Hornets increase in May, peak in July and drop off in December.


Hornets Pest Activity Trends by Month for Stamford CT 2013 - 2014

Mites Pest Activity Trends by Month in Stamford, CT 2013-2014

Mites increase in May, peak in September and drop off in November.

Mites Pest Activity Trends by Month for Stamford CT 2013 - 2014

Silverfish Activity Trends by Month in Stamford, CT 2013-2014

Silverfish increase in April, peak in August and drop off in November.

Silverfish Pest Activity Trends by Month for Stamford CT 2013 - 2014

Rats Pest Activity Trends by Month in Stamford, CT 2013-2014

Rats increase in August, peak until January and drop off in February.

Rats Pest Activity Trends by Month for Stamford CT 2013 - 2014

Wasps Activity Trends by Month in Stamford, CT 2013-2014

Wasps increase in April, peak in August and drop off in October.

Wasps Pest Activity Trends by Month for Stamford CT 2013 - 2014

Yellow Jackets Pest Activity Trends by Month in Stamford, CT 2013-2014

Yellow Jackets increase in May, peak in August and drop off in October.

Yellow Jackets Pest Activity Trends by Month for Stamford CT 2013 - 2014

Fleas Activity Trends by Month in Stamford, CT 2013-2014

Fleas increase in April, peak in September and October and drop off in January.

Fleas Pest Activity Trends by Month for Stamford CT 2013 - 2014

Spiders Pest Activity Trends by Month in Stamford, CT 2013-2014

Spiders increase in May, peak in October and drop off in November.

Spiders Pest Activity Trends by Month for Stamford CT 2013 - 2014

Mice Activity Trends by Month in Stamford, CT 2013-2014

Mice increase in June, peak in October and drop off in March.

Mice Pest Activity Trends by Month for Stamford CT 2013 - 2014

Pest Activity Trends Gleaned From Consumers

Pest activity trends have been studied by etymologists, pest control companies and other expert sources, but here’s a unique approach: Determine pest activity trends by the number of people who enter the pest into the Google search box. 

Pest Activity Trends: Benefit of Using Google to Determine

Why research pest activity trends based on Google searches? Because now we’re looking at literally millions of reports vs. the studies of a few experts. Literally every person who enters the name of a pest into the Google search box becomes a field study researcher. They saw the pest, and went to Google to find a solution. In the process, they inadvertently reported their pest sighting.

Pest Activity Trends: Where?

We used the city of Stamford Connecticut as our test area and measured only the Google “pest sightings” from that city. The total population of Stamford CT during this study was recorded as 122,643 by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Pest Activity Trends: Law of Large Numbers

So, just how many “reports” are we taking into account? Keeping in mind that we’re drawing our information from a population of only 122,643, the numbers are pretty large. During peak months for each pest, we’re seeing between 1-3 thousand searches for each pest. Imagine if we took into account the entire U.S. For example, in Stamford CT, flea reports peak at about 3,000 in September. A search of the entire U.S. shows flea reports also peak in September, but the number of Google searches for the U.S. is 5,134,400!! That represents a lot of itchy dogs!

We can assume that when the searches drop off, it’s because the pest is not sighted as often, and therefore not as active or visible.

Pest Activity Trends: Prepare vs. Wait

It’s said that “an ounce of preparation is worth a pound of cure”. Why not prepare for the coming of pests this year?

Call ApolloX Pest Control

(888) 499-7378

ApolloX Pest Control will eliminate the pest before it becomes a problem, and before it has a chance to breed and multiply into a bigger problem!

We’ll inspect your home or business for the presence of pests throughout the season so that when one pest becomes dormant and another becomes active, we’ve got you covered!

So, don’t wait until the pest appears. Once you notice it and fill out your own Google search “pest report”, it may be too late. Plan ahead. Call ApolloX Pest Control.